In this article (Cancer Res 2013;73:5328–35), which appeared in the September 1, 2013 issue of Cancer Research (1), Rebekah DeVries was added as an author after publication. The new author listing is below. The authors regret this error.
The online version has been corrected to reflect this change and does not match the print version.
Martyna Elas1,2,3, Jessica M. Magwood1,2, Brandi Butler1,2, Chanel Li1,2, Rona Wardak1,2, Rebekah DeVries1,2, Eugene D. Barth1,2, Boris Epel1,2, Samuel Rubinstein1,2, Charles A. Pelizzari4, Ralph R. Weichselbaum1, and Howard J. Halpern1,2
1Radiation and Cellular Oncology and 4Radiology, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine; 2Center for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging In Vivo Physiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; and 3Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland