In the article on how cardiac glycosides impair the N-glycosylation pathway in the August 15, 2008 issue of Cancer Research (1), there is an error in Table 1. In the second section, titled “Oligosaccharides after α-mannosidase II–hybrid structures”, the third column should be labelled “Ctrl” and the fourth column should be labelled “Digoxin”.

Beheshti Zavareh R, Lau KS, Hurren R, Datti A, Ashline DJ, Gronda M, Cheung P, Simpson CD, Liu W, Wasylishen AR, Boutros PC, Shi H, Vengopal A, Jurisica I, Penn LZ, Reinhold VN, Ezzat S, Wrana J, Rose DR, Schachter H, Dennis JW, Schimmer AD. Inhibition of the sodium/potassium ATPase impairs N-glycan expression and function.
Cancer Res