In the article on how L1-CAM and ADAM10 induce metastasis in colon cancer in the August 15, 2007 issue of Cancer Research (1), there was an error in the computer code that assigns P-values to the difference between the experimental data and control. The authors obtained a new list of differentiating genes that overlaps by more than 70% with the previous list; all the genes that were validated and discussed in the article also appear on the new list. All the results and conclusions of the article remain valid. The new list of differentiating genes (Supplementary Table 1) is available as supplementary data at Cancer Research Online,1
and the new Methods section and the new version of Fig. 6 appear below.Methods
The chips were processed and scaled with Affymetrix MAS5, using the following preprocessing steps: (a) genes that were marked by Affymetrix as ‘present’ in all samples were kept, leaving a group of 11331 probe sets; (b) the two chips of Ls174T cell clones expressing L1-CAM (A1,A2) were averaged, producing a single vector of expression levels, called Ā; (c) lowess correction was implemented on the control (C) and Ā; (d) threshold to 1, i. e., any expression value below 1 was changed to 1; (e) log2 transformation. The approach for analyzing the differences between the average of two experimental chips (for each Ls174T cell clone expressing L1-CAM) and the neor control was a generalization of the standard fold-change approach: because the differences between the log expression values of two microarrays diminish with increasing intensities, a single fold change cutoff cannot be used to determine which probe sets are significantly different from the control. We used a method that calculates P-values for each gene, based on the distribution of the differences in expression of genes that have a similar average expression. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between Āi (gene i in Ā), Ci (gene i in control C). There are two main assumptions in this method: 1), Ā,C have normal distribution with the same mean and variance: Ā,C∼N(μ,σ2); 2), The noise of genes that have a similar average expression level is similar. Let
The significantly different probe sets were analyzed using a second data set of U133A Affymetrix GeneChips from colon cancer patients. This analysis was done on 170 human colon carcinomas and 43 normal colon epithelial tissues, obtained in the framework of a collaborative National Cancer Institute/NIH program project grant. For visualization purposes, the data were centered and normalized. The expression matrix of the over expressed probe sets was two-way sorted by sorting points into neighborhoods (SPIN; once for the genes and once for the samples; ref. 2). Functional annotation was determined using the NIH program DAVID (3, 4).