To determine the influence of the microenvironment on changes in gene expression, we did microarray analysis on three variant lines of a human pancreatic cancer (FG, L3.3, and L3.6pl) with different metastatic potentials. The variant lines were grown in tissue culture in the subcutis (ectopic) or pancreas (orthotopic) of nude mice. Compared with tissue culture, the number of genes of which the expression was affected by the microenvironment was up-regulated in tumors growing in the subcutis and pancreas. In addition, highly metastatic L3.6pl cells growing in the pancreas expressed significantly higher levels of 226 genes than did the L3.3 or FG variant cells. Growth of the variant lines in the subcutis did not yield similar results, indicating that the orthotopic microenvironment significantly influences gene expression in pancreatic cancer cells. These data suggest that investigations of the functional consequence of gene expression require accounting for experimental growth conditions. [Cancer Res 2007;67(1):139–48]

At the time of diagnosis, human neoplasms are heterogeneous and consist of multiple subpopulations of cells with differing biological properties that include metastatic potential (1, 2). Cells with different metastatic properties have been isolated from primary neoplasms and from metastatic lesions, showing that not all tumor cells have the capacity to complete the arduous metastatic process (1). Card analysis using marker chromosomes showed that metastases originate from a single progenitor cell (3). Isolation of cells with different metastatic potential from heterogeneous neoplasms has been accomplished by in vivo selection or by random cloning of cultured parental tumor cells (1). Tumor cells with different metastatic capabilities have been shown to differ in expression of proteins, such as collagenases, E-cadherin, interleukin-8, basic fibroblast growth factor, and many others (4). In most cases, however, these differential expressions were most evident in tumor cells growing at specific orthotopic sites.

Recent advances in the development of microarrays provide a method to assess genome-wide modifications in gene expression that can differentiate between metastatic and nonmetastatic cells isolated from a single parental neoplasm. Many biological investigations of solid tumor cells often use cell lines growing in vitro as monolayer cultures. Although easy to accomplish, monolayer cultures are not subjected to any cross talk (e.g., paracrine signaling pathways associated with growth in vivo; ref. 5). Clinical observations of cancer patients and studies in rodent models of cancers have concluded that certain tumors tend to metastasize to certain organs (6). The concept that metastasis results only when certain tumor cells interact with a specific organ microenvironment was originally proposed in Paget's venerable “seed and soil” hypothesis (7). Indeed, spontaneous metastasis is produced by tumors growing at orthotopic sites, whereas the same tumor cells implanted into ectopic sites fail to produce metastasis (8).

The purpose of this study was to determine whether expression of genes associated with metastatic potential of tumor cells depends on the organ microenvironment. We have previously described an orthotopic model for metastasis of human pancreatic cancer used to select variant cell lines with increasing metastatic capacity (9). We used gene expression profiles generated from microarray analysis to compare the phenotypes of three pancreatic cell lines with different metastatic potentials growing in vitro as monolayer cultures or in vivo at ectopic (s.c.) and orthotopic (pancreatic) sites. We found that the differential gene expression profile in metastatic pancreatic cancer cells depends on growth in a biologically relevant orthotopic organ microenvironment.

Pancreatic cancer cell lines and culture conditions. The selection of the human pancreatic cell lines with different metastatic potentials was previously described (9). The low metastatic COLO 375 FG human pancreatic cancer cell line was injected into the spleen of nude mice. Cells isolated from liver lesions designated as L3.3 produced liver lesions at a higher incidence than the original COLO 375 FG cells did. Next, the L3.3 cells were injected into the pancreas of nude mice. Spontaneous liver metastases were harvested and cells were established in culture. The selection cycle was repeated thrice to yield a cell line designated L3.6pl (pancreas-to-liver metastasis; ref. 9).

The variant cell lines (FG, L3.3, and L3.6pl) were maintained in Eagle's MEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, sodium pyruvate, nonessential amino acids, l-glutamine, a 2-fold vitamin solution (Life Technologies, Inc., Grand Island, NY), and a penicillin-streptomycin mixture (Flow Laboratories, Rockville, MD). Adherent monolayer cultures were maintained on plastic and incubated at 37°C in a mixture of 5% CO2 and 95% air. The cultures were free of Mycoplasma and the following pathogenic murine viruses: reovirus type 3, pneumonia virus, K virus, Theiler's encephalitis virus, Sendai virus, minute virus, mouse adenovirus, mouse hepatitis virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, ectromelia virus, and lactate dehydrogenase virus (assayed by M.A. Bioproducts, Walkersville, MD). The cultures were maintained for no longer than 12 weeks after recovery from frozen stocks.

Animals and production of tumors. Male athymic BALB/c nude mice (NCI-nu) were obtained from the Animal Production Area of the National Cancer Institute Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center (Frederick, MD). The mice were maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions in facilities approved by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care and in accordance with current regulations and standards of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Human Services, and NIH. The mice were used in accordance with institutional guidelines when they were 8 to 12 weeks old.

Tumor cell injection techniques. For in vivo injection, cells were harvested from subconfluent cultures by a brief exposure to 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA. Trypsinization was stopped with medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum and then the cells were washed once in serum-free medium and resuspended in HBSS. Only single-cell suspensions of >90% viability (assessed by trypan blue exclusion assay) were used for injection.

Orthotopic injection. The mice were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium administered by i.m. injection. A small left abdominal flank incision was made and the spleen exteriorized. Tumor cells (1 × 106 per 50 μL HBSS) were injected subcapsularly in a region of the pancreas just beneath the spleen. We used a 30-gauge needle with a 1-mL disposable syringe. A successful subcapsular intrapancreatic injection of tumor cells was identified by the appearance of a fluid bleb without i.p. leakage. To prevent leakage, a cotton swab was held for over the site of injection for 1 min. One layer of the abdominal wound was closed with wound clips (Auto-clip, Clay Adams, Parsippany, NJ). The animals tolerated the surgical procedure well and no anesthesia-related deaths occurred.

S.c. injections. Tumor cells (1 × 106 per 50 μL HBSS) were injected into the subcutis of the lateral flank. Tumors were harvested when they reached 7 to 9 mm in diameter. Half of each tumor was snap frozen in liquid nitrogen for mRNA extraction; the other half was fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin.

RNA sample preparation. Total RNA was extracted from cultured cells or tumor tissues by using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The extracted RNA was passed through an RNeasy spin column (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) with on-column DNase I treatment to remove any contaminating genomic DNA according to the manufacturer's protocol.

Affymetrix GeneChip hybridization. Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 GeneChip arrays (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) were used for microarray hybridizations. This GeneChip carries 54,675 probe sets. For microarray hybridization, we followed the protocol described in the manufacturer's eukaryotic one-cycle target preparation protocol. In short, 10 μg of total RNA were used to prepare antisense biotinylated RNA and single-stranded cDNA was synthesized using a T7-Oligo(dT) promoter primer followed by RNase H–facilitated second-strand cDNA synthesis, which was purified and served as a template in the subsequent in vitro transcription. The in vitro transcription reaction was carried out in the presence of T7 RNA polymerase and a biotinylated nucleotide analogue/ribonucleotide mix for cRNA. The biotinylated cRNA targets were then cleaned up and fragmented. The fragmented cRNA was used for hybridization to the U133 Plus 2.0 chip at 42°C for 16 h. The chips were washed and stained with Affymetrix GeneChip Fluid, then scanned and visualized with a GeneArray Scanner (Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA).

Statistical analysis. Perfect match and mismatch features on the scanned microarray images were quantified using the Affymetrix Microarray Suite 5.0 software (MAS 5.0). After quantification, quality control was done using the Affymetrix quality control metrics. Two arrays that failed quality control (i.e., percent present calls ≤40% when the median percent present call was 51.8%) were repeated with fresh extractions of RNA. The qualified data sets were then analyzed with DNA-Chip Analyzer software (dChip3


Freely available at

; ref. 10) to produce probe set expression measurements, which were exported for analysis using the R Statistical Programming Language4

Freely available at

(11). Expression measurements were transformed by computing the base-two logarithm before further analysis.

We filtered the genes to do hierarchical clustering using the most reliably measured genes. More precisely, we retained genes that were called present in at least 20% of genes and had an expression value >500 in at least half of the samples.

We did a separate two-way ANOVA for each probe set on the Affymetrix array using the linear model Yijk = μ + αi + βj + γij + Eijk (Eqn. 1), where Yijk is the observed expression of the gene in replicate k of cell line i under growth condition j; μ is the overall mean expression of the gene; αi represents the effect due to the cell line (i = FG, L3.3, or L3.6pl); βj represents the effect due to the growth condition (j = culture, s.c., or orthotopic); γij represents an interaction between cell line and growth condition; and EijkN (0, σ) is the residual errors, which are assumed to be independent and identically distributed. We did an F test for each probe set to determine whether the model fit the observed data better than the null model Yijk = μ + Eijk and computed the corresponding (unadjusted) P values. To account for multiple testing, we modeled the collection of all 54,675 P values using a β-uniform mixture model (12). We then used the β-uniform mixture model to estimate the false discovery rate (13).

Pattern identification. All genes that were found to be significant by ANOVA were clustered, using unsupervised hierarchical clustering in R, to identify patterns of gene expression across the sample set.

Select genes that are up-regulated in vitro, in vivo, and in metastasis. To select the 50 most highly up-regulated genes in each of these three categories, we focused on genes with significant ANOVA results. These genes were filtered to identify those expressed at a higher level in orthotopic tumors than in culture (in vivo set), higher in culture than orthotopically (in vitro set), or higher in L3.6pl than in FG (metastasis set). The filtered genes were ranked by the P values for the significance of the term in the model related to growth condition (in vivo and in vitro sets) or to cell lines (metastasis set).

Gene Ontology analysis. Patterns that were represented in the top 50 lists were analyzed to identify functional categories using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID).5

We used the Functional Annotation Tool program and reported only GOTERM-BP (Biological Process) that had corrected P values of <0.05.

We did 18 microarray experiments using human U133 Plus 2.0 GeneChip microarrays, which contained 54,675 probe sets. Samples came from several mouse xenograft models of human pancreatic cancer, in which three different cell lines were grown in culture or implanted s.c. or orthotopically. The experiment followed a complete 3 × 3 factorial design with two replicates of each combination. To determine differentially expressed genes between tumor models (cell culture, s.c., or orthotopic) and between cell lines based on their metastatic potential (L3.6pl, high; L3.3, low; FG, none), we used both hierarchical clustering and gene-by-gene ANOVA.

Hierarchical clustering. A total of 8,686 genes passed the filter (see Materials and Methods) and we did hierarchical clustering of the samples using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to define distances and Ward's linkage rule (Fig. 1). All replicate pairs clustered as nearest neighbors, increasing our confidence in the reproducibility of the results. The results showed that the six experiments done on cell cultures clustered as a block, confirming that gene expression in vitro differs from the expression pattern of the same cells growing in vivo. At the next level, it seemed that clustering was driven more by the cell line (equivalently, by metastatic potential) than by the growth conditions of the tumor model. Reproducibility of the clusters was tested using a bootstrap cluster test (14); at the very least, the four main branches were robust to perturbations of the data (Supplementary Fig. S1).

Figure 1.

Hierarchical clustering of 18 samples based on the most reliably expressed genes. CL, cell culture; SC, subcutaneous; PC, pancreas (orthotopic). Vertical axis, distance [(1 − ρ) / 2] computed from the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient ρ.

Figure 1.

Hierarchical clustering of 18 samples based on the most reliably expressed genes. CL, cell culture; SC, subcutaneous; PC, pancreas (orthotopic). Vertical axis, distance [(1 − ρ) / 2] computed from the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient ρ.

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ANOVA. To examine the two main effects (tumor model type and cell line or metastatic potential) along with their interactions, we did a separate two-way ANOVA for each of the 54,675 probe sets on the U133 Plus 2.0 GeneChip. β-Uniform mixture analysis indicated that substantial numbers of genes change expression between cell lines and in response to growth conditions (Supplementary Fig. S2). Overall, we found 5,495 statistically significant probe sets when false discovery rate <0.001, which corresponded to a cutoff of P < 0.00046 on the unadjusted P values (see Materials and Methods). A complete list of the significant probe sets is available on our website.6

Using a global F test to compare the complete linear model (Eqn. 1) to the null model avoids additional multiple testing, but it requires an additional step to determine which factors drive the differential expression of individual genes. TSF2o address this issue, we clustered all 5,495 significant probe sets based on their standardized expression profiles in the 18 samples using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to define distances and average linkage (Fig. 2). We cut the dendrogram to produce 30 different clusters; using 30 for the number of clusters was an arbitrary choice but it seems to be large enough to identify all the distinct patterns in Fig. 2.

Figure 2.

Two-way hierarchical clustering of samples and significant genes. Red, higher expression; green, lower expression. Samples were clustered based on all 8,686 reliably expressed genes among the total of 54,675. The 5,495 significant genes selected by ANOVA were standardized and clustered on the basis of their expression patterns. The horizontal purple lines separate clusters obtained by cutting the dendrogram to produce 30 clusters.

Figure 2.

Two-way hierarchical clustering of samples and significant genes. Red, higher expression; green, lower expression. Samples were clustered based on all 8,686 reliably expressed genes among the total of 54,675. The 5,495 significant genes selected by ANOVA were standardized and clustered on the basis of their expression patterns. The horizontal purple lines separate clusters obtained by cutting the dendrogram to produce 30 clusters.

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To relate the cluster patterns of Fig. 2 to the factors in the two-way balanced design of the experiment, we computed the average expression pattern of the genes in each cluster and displayed each resulting pattern in a 3 × 3 layout (Fig. 3). Differences that are attributable to the local environment show up in these graphs as horizontal bands. For example, patterns 1, 2, 7, 13, and 14 seem to represent in vivo patterns. These genes were expressed at significantly lower levels in all three cell lines when they were growing in vitro and were expressed at higher levels when growing in vivo. In the same way, patterns 20, 21, 28, and 29 seem to represent an in vitro pattern.

Figure 3.

Expression patterns of clusters of significant genes (false discovery rate = 0.001). N, number of genes (of 5,495) in this cluster. Bright red, overexpressed; bright green, underexpressed; and black, mean expression level. The pattern numbers are the same as those in Fig. 2.

Figure 3.

Expression patterns of clusters of significant genes (false discovery rate = 0.001). N, number of genes (of 5,495) in this cluster. Bright red, overexpressed; bright green, underexpressed; and black, mean expression level. The pattern numbers are the same as those in Fig. 2.

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We examined the top 50 genes (among the 5,495 significant ones) ranked by the significance of the “growth condition” term in the ANOVA model (see Materials and Methods) for the contrast between growth in vitro and in vivo. Most of the 50 genes up-regulated in cells growing in culture came from patterns 21 and 28. On the other hand, genes expressed in cells growing in vivo came primarily from patterns 1, 2, and 7 (Tables 1 and 2). To better understand the functional differences among those patterns, we placed the genes from each pattern into DAVID, which identified statistically significant functional categories using Gene Ontology (Table 3). Multiple categories were statistically significant. The patterns up-regulated in vitro were enriched for cell cycle (pattern 21), metabolism (patterns 21 and 28), and translation (pattern 28). The patterns up-regulated in vivo were enriched for regulation of transcription (pattern 1), antigen processing (pattern 2), and protein modification (pattern 7). These data suggest that gene expression of cell lines growing under in vitro conditions was optimized for cell proliferation, whereas gene expression of the same cell lines growing in vivo was affected by many other factors related to the microenvironment.

Table 1.

Up-regulated genes of cells in in vitro growth (top 50)

Probe setUni geneSymbolNamePatternLocation P
218516_s_at Hs.438689 IMPA3 myo-inositol monophosphatase A3 21 4.37e−10 
209642_at Hs.469649 BUB1 BUB1 budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homologue (yeast) 21 8.68e−10 
223062_s_at Hs.494261 PSAT1 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 28 9.43e−10 
201475_x_at Hs.355867 MARS methionine-tRNA synthetase 28 1.04e−09 
208778_s_at Hs.487054 TCP1 t-complex 1 21 1.30e−09 
208079_s_at Hs.250822 STK6 serine/threonine kinase 6 21 2.61e−09 
201263_at Hs.481860 TARS threonyl-tRNA synthetase 28 3.15e−09 
202737_s_at Hs.515255 LSM4 LSM4 homologue, U6 small nuclear RNA associated (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 28 3.38e−09 
205047_s_at Hs.489207 ASNS asparagine synthetase 28 7.21e−09 
216052_x_at Hs.194689 ARTN artemin 20 8.46e−09 
204744_s_at Hs.445403 IARS isoleucine-tRNA synthetase 21 9.30e−09 
221059_s_at Hs.289092 COTL1 coactosin-like 1 (Dictyostelium) 21 1.26e−08 
214452_at Hs.438993 BCAT1 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic 28 1.93e−08 
203209_at Hs.506989 RFC5 replication factor C (activator 1) 5, 36.5 kDa 28 2.48e−08 
213008_at Hs.513126 FLJ10719 hypothetical protein FLJ10719 28 2.53e−08 
203145_at Hs.514033 SPAG5 sperm associated antigen 5 21 2.64e−08 
202481_at Hs.289347 DHRS3 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3 15 2.78e−08 
209408_at Hs.69360 KIF2C kinesin family member 2C 21 2.80e−08 
217829_s_at Hs.469173 USP39 ubiquitin specific protease 39 21 2.84e−08 
213671_s_at Hs.355867 MARS methionine-tRNA synthetase 28 3.38e−08 
225300_at Hs.525796 C15orf23 chromosome 15 open reading frame 23 21 3.77e−08 
228400_at Hs.432504 — transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_065910.1 Shroom-related protein; likely orthologue of mouse Shroom; F-actin-binding protein [Homo sapiens] 28 3.81e−08 
209545_s_at Hs.103755 RIPK2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 28 4.12e−08 
217853_at Hs.520814 TENS1 tensin-like SH2 domain containing 1 28 5.44e−08 
205194_at Hs.512656 PSPH phosphoserine phosphatase 28 6.30e−08 
204092_s_at Hs.250822 STK6 serine/threonine kinase 6 21 6.39e−08 
203405_at Hs.473838 DSCR2 Down syndrome critical region gene 2 21 8.09e−08 
214794_at Hs.478044 PA2G4 proliferation-associated 2G4, 38 kDa 21 8.94e−08 
220181_x_at Hs.482363 SLC30A5 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5 28 1.14e−07 
208969_at Hs.75227 NDUFA9 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1α subcomplex, 9, 39 kDa 28 1.19e−07 
226517_at Hs.438993 BCAT1 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic 21 1.26e−07 
207528_s_at Hs.6682 SLC7A11 solute carrier family 7, member 11 21 1.32e−07 
203968_s_at Hs.405958 CDC6 CDC6 cell division cycle 6 homologue (S. cerevisiae) 28 1.40e−07 
225687_at Hs.472716 C20orf129 chromosome 20 open reading frame 129 21 1.46e−07 
208511_at Hs.521097 PTTG3 pituitary tumor-transforming 3 28 1.60e−07 
201266_at Hs.434367 TXNRD1 thioredoxin reductase 1 28 1.66e−07 
205401_at Hs.516543 AGPS alkylglycerone phosphate synthase 28 1.66e−07 
217080_s_at Hs.93564 HOMER2 homer homologue 2 (Drosophila) 20 1.73e−07 
202533_s_at Hs.83765 DHFR dihydrofolate reductase 21 1.81e−07 
204033_at Hs.436187 TRIP13 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13 21 1.93e−07 
206085_s_at Hs.19904 CTH cystathionase (cystathionine γ-lyase) 15 2.02e−07 
226001_at Hs.272251 KLHL5 kelch-like 5 (Drosophila) 28 2.07e−07 
202870_s_at Hs.524947 CDC20 CDC20 cell division cycle 20 homologue (S. cerevisiae) 21 2.10e−07 
202705_at Hs.194698 CCNB2 cyclin B2 21 2.13e−07 
204023_at Hs.518475 RFC4 replication factor C (activator 1) 4, 37 kDa 21 2.20e−07 
226661_at Hs.33366 CDCA2 cell division cycle associated 2 28 2.40e−07 
218073_s_at Hs.476525 TMEM48 transmembrane protein 48 21 2.45e−07 
1555427_s_at Hs.472056 SYNCRIP synaptotagmin binding, cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein 21 2.57e−07 
225285_at Hs.438993 BCAT1 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic 21 2.65e−07 
202402_s_at Hs.274873 CARS cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 20 3.13e−07 
Probe setUni geneSymbolNamePatternLocation P
218516_s_at Hs.438689 IMPA3 myo-inositol monophosphatase A3 21 4.37e−10 
209642_at Hs.469649 BUB1 BUB1 budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homologue (yeast) 21 8.68e−10 
223062_s_at Hs.494261 PSAT1 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 28 9.43e−10 
201475_x_at Hs.355867 MARS methionine-tRNA synthetase 28 1.04e−09 
208778_s_at Hs.487054 TCP1 t-complex 1 21 1.30e−09 
208079_s_at Hs.250822 STK6 serine/threonine kinase 6 21 2.61e−09 
201263_at Hs.481860 TARS threonyl-tRNA synthetase 28 3.15e−09 
202737_s_at Hs.515255 LSM4 LSM4 homologue, U6 small nuclear RNA associated (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 28 3.38e−09 
205047_s_at Hs.489207 ASNS asparagine synthetase 28 7.21e−09 
216052_x_at Hs.194689 ARTN artemin 20 8.46e−09 
204744_s_at Hs.445403 IARS isoleucine-tRNA synthetase 21 9.30e−09 
221059_s_at Hs.289092 COTL1 coactosin-like 1 (Dictyostelium) 21 1.26e−08 
214452_at Hs.438993 BCAT1 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic 28 1.93e−08 
203209_at Hs.506989 RFC5 replication factor C (activator 1) 5, 36.5 kDa 28 2.48e−08 
213008_at Hs.513126 FLJ10719 hypothetical protein FLJ10719 28 2.53e−08 
203145_at Hs.514033 SPAG5 sperm associated antigen 5 21 2.64e−08 
202481_at Hs.289347 DHRS3 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3 15 2.78e−08 
209408_at Hs.69360 KIF2C kinesin family member 2C 21 2.80e−08 
217829_s_at Hs.469173 USP39 ubiquitin specific protease 39 21 2.84e−08 
213671_s_at Hs.355867 MARS methionine-tRNA synthetase 28 3.38e−08 
225300_at Hs.525796 C15orf23 chromosome 15 open reading frame 23 21 3.77e−08 
228400_at Hs.432504 — transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_065910.1 Shroom-related protein; likely orthologue of mouse Shroom; F-actin-binding protein [Homo sapiens] 28 3.81e−08 
209545_s_at Hs.103755 RIPK2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 28 4.12e−08 
217853_at Hs.520814 TENS1 tensin-like SH2 domain containing 1 28 5.44e−08 
205194_at Hs.512656 PSPH phosphoserine phosphatase 28 6.30e−08 
204092_s_at Hs.250822 STK6 serine/threonine kinase 6 21 6.39e−08 
203405_at Hs.473838 DSCR2 Down syndrome critical region gene 2 21 8.09e−08 
214794_at Hs.478044 PA2G4 proliferation-associated 2G4, 38 kDa 21 8.94e−08 
220181_x_at Hs.482363 SLC30A5 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5 28 1.14e−07 
208969_at Hs.75227 NDUFA9 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1α subcomplex, 9, 39 kDa 28 1.19e−07 
226517_at Hs.438993 BCAT1 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic 21 1.26e−07 
207528_s_at Hs.6682 SLC7A11 solute carrier family 7, member 11 21 1.32e−07 
203968_s_at Hs.405958 CDC6 CDC6 cell division cycle 6 homologue (S. cerevisiae) 28 1.40e−07 
225687_at Hs.472716 C20orf129 chromosome 20 open reading frame 129 21 1.46e−07 
208511_at Hs.521097 PTTG3 pituitary tumor-transforming 3 28 1.60e−07 
201266_at Hs.434367 TXNRD1 thioredoxin reductase 1 28 1.66e−07 
205401_at Hs.516543 AGPS alkylglycerone phosphate synthase 28 1.66e−07 
217080_s_at Hs.93564 HOMER2 homer homologue 2 (Drosophila) 20 1.73e−07 
202533_s_at Hs.83765 DHFR dihydrofolate reductase 21 1.81e−07 
204033_at Hs.436187 TRIP13 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13 21 1.93e−07 
206085_s_at Hs.19904 CTH cystathionase (cystathionine γ-lyase) 15 2.02e−07 
226001_at Hs.272251 KLHL5 kelch-like 5 (Drosophila) 28 2.07e−07 
202870_s_at Hs.524947 CDC20 CDC20 cell division cycle 20 homologue (S. cerevisiae) 21 2.10e−07 
202705_at Hs.194698 CCNB2 cyclin B2 21 2.13e−07 
204023_at Hs.518475 RFC4 replication factor C (activator 1) 4, 37 kDa 21 2.20e−07 
226661_at Hs.33366 CDCA2 cell division cycle associated 2 28 2.40e−07 
218073_s_at Hs.476525 TMEM48 transmembrane protein 48 21 2.45e−07 
1555427_s_at Hs.472056 SYNCRIP synaptotagmin binding, cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein 21 2.57e−07 
225285_at Hs.438993 BCAT1 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic 21 2.65e−07 
202402_s_at Hs.274873 CARS cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 20 3.13e−07 
Table 2.

Up-regulated genes of cells in in vivo growth (top 50)

Probe setUni geneSymbolNamePatternLocation P
202310_s_at Hs.172928 COL1A1 collagen, type I, α1 4.58e−12 
216470_x_at Hs.367767 PRSS1 protease, serine, 1 (trypsin 1) 1.29e−11 
213089_at Hs.545578 LOC153561 hypothetical protein LOC153561 1.23e−10 
217683_at Hs.117848 HBE1 Hemoglobin, epsilon 1 2.73e−10 
203381_s_at Hs.515465 APOE apolipoprotein E 13 6.92e−10 
1569491_at Hs.531872 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:5275957, mRNA 6.98e−10 
214411_x_at Hs.74502 CTRB1 chymotrypsinogen B1 1.49e−09 
233149_at Hs.132260 — CDNA clone IMAGE:4750272, containing frame-shift errors 5.21e−09 
1565659_at Hs.32956 FUT6 Fucosyltransferase 6 (α (1,3) fucosyltransferase) 6.32e−09 
224997_x_at Hs.551588 H19 H19, imprinted maternally expressed untranslated mRNA 7.95e−09 
202403_s_at Hs.489142 COL1A2 collagen, type I, α2 8.08e−09 
1561891_at Hs.385509 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:4137880, mRNA 8.39e−09 
211699_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 1.06e−08 
216405_at Hs.445351 LGALS1 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 1 (galectin 1) 1.40e−08 
1557505_a_at Hs.167535 SRP54 signal recognition particle 54 kDa 1.41e−08 
211745_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 1.47e−08 
217572_at Hs.551006 — transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_032244.1 hemoglobin α, adult chain 1; α1 globin [Mus musculus] 2.04e−08 
209458_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 2.20e−08 
1570339_x_at Hs.535639 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:4933000, mRNA 2.82e−08 
241867_at Hs.270244 PARP6 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 6 2.86e−08 
204018_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 4.03e−08 
219039_at Hs.516220 SEMA4C sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain (semaphorin) 4C 5.13e−08 
236582_at Hs.369606 CPSF6 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6, 68 kDa 5.21e−08 
1555778_a_at Hs.136348 POSTN periostin, osteoblast specific factor 5.37e−08 
206446_s_at Hs.21 ELA2A elastase 2A 5.91e−08 
226252_at Hs.202577 — CDNA FLJ34585 fis, clone KIDNE2008758 6.45e−08 
224646_x_at Hs.551588 H19 H19, imprinted maternally expressed untranslated mRNA 7.20e−08 
1562265_at Hs.378760 — mRNA; cDNA DKFZp313I1020 (from clone DKFZp313I1020) 7.57e−08 
206151_x_at Hs.181289 ELA3B elastase 3B, pancreatic 8.87e−08 
206598_at Hs.89832 INS insulin 9.72e−08 
227423_at Hs.459507 LRRC28 leucine rich repeat containing 28 1.05e−07 
205066_s_at Hs.527295 ENPP1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 12 1.09e−07 
212099_at Hs.502876 RHOB ras homologue gene family, member B 1.19e−07 
1557232_at Hs.547594 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:4797260, mRNA 1.21e−07 
215076_s_at Hs.443625 COL3A1 collagen, type III, α1 1.28e−07 
207463_x_at Hs.435699 PRSS3 protease, serine, 3 (mesotrypsin) 1.34e−07 
215540_at Hs.74647 TRA@ T-cell receptor α locus 13 1.35e−07 
240482_at Hs.519632 HDAC3 Histone deacetylase 3 1.38e−07 
242846_at Hs.445885 KIAA1217 KIAA1217 1.65e−07 
206813_at Hs.483811 CTF1 cardiotrophin 1 13 1.68e−07 
205509_at Hs.477891 CPB1 carboxypeptidase B1 (tissue) 1.78e−07 
238062_at Hs.426410 LOC338328 high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1.90e−07 
1557690_x_at Hs.156832 NPAS2 neuronal PAS domain protein 2 12 2.20e−07 
205879_x_at Hs.350321 RET ret proto-oncogene 2.45e−07 
219463_at Hs.22920 C20orf103 chromosome 20 open reading frame 103 2.87e−07 
210080_x_at Hs.471034 ELA3A elastase 3A, pancreatic (protease E) 2.96e−07 
239373_at Hs.62578 ARFGEF2 ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 2 2.98e−07 
202936_s_at Hs.2316 SOX9 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 12 3.18e−07 
244778_x_at Hs.471818 M11S1 membrane component, chromosome 11, surface marker 1 3.23e−07 
226061_s_at Hs.188882 NUDT3 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 3 3.42e−07 
Probe setUni geneSymbolNamePatternLocation P
202310_s_at Hs.172928 COL1A1 collagen, type I, α1 4.58e−12 
216470_x_at Hs.367767 PRSS1 protease, serine, 1 (trypsin 1) 1.29e−11 
213089_at Hs.545578 LOC153561 hypothetical protein LOC153561 1.23e−10 
217683_at Hs.117848 HBE1 Hemoglobin, epsilon 1 2.73e−10 
203381_s_at Hs.515465 APOE apolipoprotein E 13 6.92e−10 
1569491_at Hs.531872 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:5275957, mRNA 6.98e−10 
214411_x_at Hs.74502 CTRB1 chymotrypsinogen B1 1.49e−09 
233149_at Hs.132260 — CDNA clone IMAGE:4750272, containing frame-shift errors 5.21e−09 
1565659_at Hs.32956 FUT6 Fucosyltransferase 6 (α (1,3) fucosyltransferase) 6.32e−09 
224997_x_at Hs.551588 H19 H19, imprinted maternally expressed untranslated mRNA 7.95e−09 
202403_s_at Hs.489142 COL1A2 collagen, type I, α2 8.08e−09 
1561891_at Hs.385509 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:4137880, mRNA 8.39e−09 
211699_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 1.06e−08 
216405_at Hs.445351 LGALS1 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 1 (galectin 1) 1.40e−08 
1557505_a_at Hs.167535 SRP54 signal recognition particle 54 kDa 1.41e−08 
211745_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 1.47e−08 
217572_at Hs.551006 — transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_032244.1 hemoglobin α, adult chain 1; α1 globin [Mus musculus] 2.04e−08 
209458_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 2.20e−08 
1570339_x_at Hs.535639 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:4933000, mRNA 2.82e−08 
241867_at Hs.270244 PARP6 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 6 2.86e−08 
204018_x_at Hs.449630 HBA1, 2 hemoglobin, α1, α2 4.03e−08 
219039_at Hs.516220 SEMA4C sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain (semaphorin) 4C 5.13e−08 
236582_at Hs.369606 CPSF6 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6, 68 kDa 5.21e−08 
1555778_a_at Hs.136348 POSTN periostin, osteoblast specific factor 5.37e−08 
206446_s_at Hs.21 ELA2A elastase 2A 5.91e−08 
226252_at Hs.202577 — CDNA FLJ34585 fis, clone KIDNE2008758 6.45e−08 
224646_x_at Hs.551588 H19 H19, imprinted maternally expressed untranslated mRNA 7.20e−08 
1562265_at Hs.378760 — mRNA; cDNA DKFZp313I1020 (from clone DKFZp313I1020) 7.57e−08 
206151_x_at Hs.181289 ELA3B elastase 3B, pancreatic 8.87e−08 
206598_at Hs.89832 INS insulin 9.72e−08 
227423_at Hs.459507 LRRC28 leucine rich repeat containing 28 1.05e−07 
205066_s_at Hs.527295 ENPP1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 12 1.09e−07 
212099_at Hs.502876 RHOB ras homologue gene family, member B 1.19e−07 
1557232_at Hs.547594 — H. sapiens, clone IMAGE:4797260, mRNA 1.21e−07 
215076_s_at Hs.443625 COL3A1 collagen, type III, α1 1.28e−07 
207463_x_at Hs.435699 PRSS3 protease, serine, 3 (mesotrypsin) 1.34e−07 
215540_at Hs.74647 TRA@ T-cell receptor α locus 13 1.35e−07 
240482_at Hs.519632 HDAC3 Histone deacetylase 3 1.38e−07 
242846_at Hs.445885 KIAA1217 KIAA1217 1.65e−07 
206813_at Hs.483811 CTF1 cardiotrophin 1 13 1.68e−07 
205509_at Hs.477891 CPB1 carboxypeptidase B1 (tissue) 1.78e−07 
238062_at Hs.426410 LOC338328 high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1.90e−07 
1557690_x_at Hs.156832 NPAS2 neuronal PAS domain protein 2 12 2.20e−07 
205879_x_at Hs.350321 RET ret proto-oncogene 2.45e−07 
219463_at Hs.22920 C20orf103 chromosome 20 open reading frame 103 2.87e−07 
210080_x_at Hs.471034 ELA3A elastase 3A, pancreatic (protease E) 2.96e−07 
239373_at Hs.62578 ARFGEF2 ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 2 2.98e−07 
202936_s_at Hs.2316 SOX9 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 12 3.18e−07 
244778_x_at Hs.471818 M11S1 membrane component, chromosome 11, surface marker 1 3.23e−07 
226061_s_at Hs.188882 NUDT3 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 3 3.42e−07 
Table 3.

Functional annotation of up-regulated genes in in vitro or in vivo pattern

CategoryGene countP
In vitro Pattern 21 Cell cycle 36 2e−06 
  Carboxylic acid metabolism 26 2e−05 
  Amino acid metabolism 16 2e−04 
  Cell division 13 3e−04 
  tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation 5e−04 
  Regulation of progression through cell cycle 22 8e−04 
  Spindle organization and biogenesis 9e−04 
 Pattern 28 RNA metabolism 23 8e−05 
  Amino acid and derivative metabolism 17 2e−04 
  Amino acid biosynthesis 3e−04 
  tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation 3e−04 
  Acetyl-coa metabolism 3e−04 
  Carboxylic acid metabolism 22 3e−04 
  Cellular respiration 7e−04 
In vivo Pattern 1 Regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.026 
  Phosphate transport 0.049 
  Sensory perception of mechanical stimulus 0.062 
 Pattern 2 Antigen processing, endogenous antigen via MHC class I 9e−05 
  Defense response 15 0.021 
  Organismal physiologic process 25 0.024 
  Response to biotic stimulus 15 0.03 
  Muscle contraction 0.039 
  Immune response 13 0.041 
 Pattern 7 Regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 104 4e−04 
  Protein modification 86 6e−04 
  Negative regulation of progression through cell cycle 15 0.004 
  Establishment of protein localization 36 0.004 
  mRNA processing 17 0.006 
  Protein transport 34 0.007 
  Secretion 18 0.012 
  Ubiquitin cycle 31 0.012 
  Protein amino acid phosphorylation 33 0.019 
  Regulation of progression through cell cycle 28 0.021 
CategoryGene countP
In vitro Pattern 21 Cell cycle 36 2e−06 
  Carboxylic acid metabolism 26 2e−05 
  Amino acid metabolism 16 2e−04 
  Cell division 13 3e−04 
  tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation 5e−04 
  Regulation of progression through cell cycle 22 8e−04 
  Spindle organization and biogenesis 9e−04 
 Pattern 28 RNA metabolism 23 8e−05 
  Amino acid and derivative metabolism 17 2e−04 
  Amino acid biosynthesis 3e−04 
  tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation 3e−04 
  Acetyl-coa metabolism 3e−04 
  Carboxylic acid metabolism 22 3e−04 
  Cellular respiration 7e−04 
In vivo Pattern 1 Regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.026 
  Phosphate transport 0.049 
  Sensory perception of mechanical stimulus 0.062 
 Pattern 2 Antigen processing, endogenous antigen via MHC class I 9e−05 
  Defense response 15 0.021 
  Organismal physiologic process 25 0.024 
  Response to biotic stimulus 15 0.03 
  Muscle contraction 0.039 
  Immune response 13 0.041 
 Pattern 7 Regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 104 4e−04 
  Protein modification 86 6e−04 
  Negative regulation of progression through cell cycle 15 0.004 
  Establishment of protein localization 36 0.004 
  mRNA processing 17 0.006 
  Protein transport 34 0.007 
  Secretion 18 0.012 
  Ubiquitin cycle 31 0.012 
  Protein amino acid phosphorylation 33 0.019 
  Regulation of progression through cell cycle 28 0.021 

Differences between the cell lines, which may reflect their metastatic potential, show up as vertical bands in these graphs. For example, patterns 4, 5, and 6 seem to include genes that are highly expressed in L3.3, and patterns 22 and 26 are expressed at high levels almost exclusively in FG. Patterns 10 and 16 seem to include genes that are highly expressed in L3.6pl growing both in vitro and in vivo, and thus may represent a metastatic pattern. In the same way, patterns 7 and 30 represent a lower metastatic pattern because they are expressed at higher levels in FG and L3.3 than in L3.6pl.

We also examined the top 50 genes up-regulated in metastasis ranked by the significance of the “cell line” term in the ANOVA model (see Materials and Methods). Most of these genes came from patterns 5, 10, and 18 (Table 4). We identified multiple functions for these patterns using DAVID (Table 5), including morphogenesis (pattern 5), signal transduction (pattern 5), protein phosphorylation (pattern 10), glycolysis (pattern 10), Wnt receptor signaling pathway (pattern 18), and secretory pathway (pattern 18). These results suggest that ligand production and receptor activation are more prominent in the metastatic cell lines.

Table 4.

Up-regulated genes in highly metastatic cell line (top 50)

Probe setUni GeneSymbolNamePatternMetastatic P
220779_at Hs.149195 PADI3 peptidyl arginine deiminase, type III 10 2.78e−11 
204141_at Hs.512712 TUBB2 tubulin, β2 10 1.22e−10 
209706_at Hs.55999 NKX3-1 NK3 transcription factor related, locus 1 (Drosophila) 18 4.60e−10 
213772_s_at Hs.460336 GGA2 golgi associated, γ adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2 10 6.50e−10 
204404_at Hs.162585 SLC12A2 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporters), member 2 9.46e−10 
221796_at Hs.494312 NTRK2 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2 10 3.58e−09 
222158_s_at Hs.498317 C1orf121 chromosome 1 open reading frame 121 3.96e−09 
200702_s_at Hs.510328 DDX24 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 24 10 4.27e−09 
238865_at Hs.49889 LOC132430 similar to polyadenylate-binding protein 4 [poly(A)-binding protein 4 (PABP 4); inducible poly(A)-binding protein (iPABP); activated-platelet protein-1 (APP-1)] 10 5.67e−09 
205466_s_at Hs.507348 HS3ST1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 10 1.94e−08 
225257_at Hs.437497 MGC20255 hypothetical protein MGC20255 2.53e−08 
206366_x_at Hs.458346 XCL2 chemokine (C motif) ligand 2 2.72e−08 
209685_s_at Hs.460355 PRKCB1 protein kinase C, β1 4.02e−08 
201580_s_at Hs.169358 DJ971N18.2 hypothetical protein DJ971N18.2 4.03e−08 
202957_at Hs.14601 HCLS1 hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1 19 4.76e−08 
217691_x_at Hs.500761 SLC16A3 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 3 19 6.94e−08 
218625_at Hs.103291 NRN1 neuritin 1 18 8.98e−08 
201721_s_at Hs.371021 LAPTM5 lysosomal associated multispanning membrane protein 5 10 1.03e−07 
204617_s_at Hs.78019 ACD adrenocortical dysplasia homologue (mouse) 10 1.49e−07 
228171_s_at Hs.188781 PLEKHG4 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4 1.74e−07 
214567_s_at Hs.546295 XCL1/ L2 chemokine (C motif) ligand 1 / ligand 2 1.78e−07 
202856_s_at Hs.500761 SLC16A3 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 3 19 2.00e−07 
201537_s_at Hs.181046 DUSP3 dual specificity phosphatase 3 (vaccinia virus phosphatase VH1-related) 10 2.10e−07 
200687_s_at Hs.514435 SF3B3 splicing factor 3b, subunit 3, 130 kDa 2.29e−07 
206347_at Hs.444422 PDK3 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 3 10 2.73e−07 
219249_s_at Hs.463035 FKBP10 FK506 binding protein 10, 65 kDa 10 2.89e−07 
227785_at Hs.549104 SDCCAG8 serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8 18 3.47e−07 
203530_s_at Hs.83734 STX4A syntaxin 4A (placental) 10 4.19e−07 
204420_at Hs.283565 FOSL1 FOS-like antigen 1 10 5.41e−07 
203773_x_at Hs.488143 BLVRA biliverdin reductase A 10 5.80e−07 
202686_s_at Hs.466791 AXL Axl receptor tyrosine kinase 18 6.41e−07 
207935_s_at Hs.463032 KRT13 keratin 13 10 6.50e−07 
201462_at Hs.520740 SCRN1 secernin 1 18 8.35e−07 
211171_s_at Hs.487129 PDE10A phosphodiesterase 10A 10 8.77e−07 
218788_s_at Hs.546424 SMYD3 SET and MYND domain containing 3 8.97e−07 
200648_s_at Hs.518525 GLUL glutamate-ammonia ligase (glutamine synthase) 18 9.55e−07 
211729_x_at Hs.488143 BLVRA biliverdin reductase A 10 9.71e−07 
209534_x_at Hs.459211 AKAP13 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 10 9.99e−07 
209191_at Hs.193491 TUBB6 tubulin, β6 10 1.20e−06 
229332_at Hs.162717 GLOXD1 glyoxalase domain containing 1 10 1.22e−06 
206935_at Hs.19492 PCDH8 protocadherin 8 1.29e−06 
219620_x_at Hs.495541 FLJ20245 hypothetical protein FLJ20245 19 1.30e−06 
224733_at Hs.298198 CKLFSF3 chemokine-like factor super family 3 10 1.38e−06 
200738_s_at Hs.78771 PGK1 phosphoglycerate kinase 1 10 1.43e−06 
214857_at Hs.225084 C10orf95 chromosome 10 open reading frame 95 10 1.49e−06 
229146_at Hs.122055 C7orf31 chromosome 7 open reading frame 31 14 1.54e−06 
219798_s_at Hs.178011 FLJ20257 hypothetical protein FLJ20257 10 1.60e−06 
206501_x_at Hs.22634 ETV1 ets variant gene 1 18 1.61e−06 
213456_at Hs.25956 SOSTDC1 sclerostin domain containing 1 1.65e−06 
224919_at Hs.302742 MRPS6 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S6 18 1.66e−06 
Probe setUni GeneSymbolNamePatternMetastatic P
220779_at Hs.149195 PADI3 peptidyl arginine deiminase, type III 10 2.78e−11 
204141_at Hs.512712 TUBB2 tubulin, β2 10 1.22e−10 
209706_at Hs.55999 NKX3-1 NK3 transcription factor related, locus 1 (Drosophila) 18 4.60e−10 
213772_s_at Hs.460336 GGA2 golgi associated, γ adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2 10 6.50e−10 
204404_at Hs.162585 SLC12A2 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporters), member 2 9.46e−10 
221796_at Hs.494312 NTRK2 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2 10 3.58e−09 
222158_s_at Hs.498317 C1orf121 chromosome 1 open reading frame 121 3.96e−09 
200702_s_at Hs.510328 DDX24 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 24 10 4.27e−09 
238865_at Hs.49889 LOC132430 similar to polyadenylate-binding protein 4 [poly(A)-binding protein 4 (PABP 4); inducible poly(A)-binding protein (iPABP); activated-platelet protein-1 (APP-1)] 10 5.67e−09 
205466_s_at Hs.507348 HS3ST1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 10 1.94e−08 
225257_at Hs.437497 MGC20255 hypothetical protein MGC20255 2.53e−08 
206366_x_at Hs.458346 XCL2 chemokine (C motif) ligand 2 2.72e−08 
209685_s_at Hs.460355 PRKCB1 protein kinase C, β1 4.02e−08 
201580_s_at Hs.169358 DJ971N18.2 hypothetical protein DJ971N18.2 4.03e−08 
202957_at Hs.14601 HCLS1 hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1 19 4.76e−08 
217691_x_at Hs.500761 SLC16A3 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 3 19 6.94e−08 
218625_at Hs.103291 NRN1 neuritin 1 18 8.98e−08 
201721_s_at Hs.371021 LAPTM5 lysosomal associated multispanning membrane protein 5 10 1.03e−07 
204617_s_at Hs.78019 ACD adrenocortical dysplasia homologue (mouse) 10 1.49e−07 
228171_s_at Hs.188781 PLEKHG4 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4 1.74e−07 
214567_s_at Hs.546295 XCL1/ L2 chemokine (C motif) ligand 1 / ligand 2 1.78e−07 
202856_s_at Hs.500761 SLC16A3 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 3 19 2.00e−07 
201537_s_at Hs.181046 DUSP3 dual specificity phosphatase 3 (vaccinia virus phosphatase VH1-related) 10 2.10e−07 
200687_s_at Hs.514435 SF3B3 splicing factor 3b, subunit 3, 130 kDa 2.29e−07 
206347_at Hs.444422 PDK3 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 3 10 2.73e−07 
219249_s_at Hs.463035 FKBP10 FK506 binding protein 10, 65 kDa 10 2.89e−07 
227785_at Hs.549104 SDCCAG8 serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8 18 3.47e−07 
203530_s_at Hs.83734 STX4A syntaxin 4A (placental) 10 4.19e−07 
204420_at Hs.283565 FOSL1 FOS-like antigen 1 10 5.41e−07 
203773_x_at Hs.488143 BLVRA biliverdin reductase A 10 5.80e−07 
202686_s_at Hs.466791 AXL Axl receptor tyrosine kinase 18 6.41e−07 
207935_s_at Hs.463032 KRT13 keratin 13 10 6.50e−07 
201462_at Hs.520740 SCRN1 secernin 1 18 8.35e−07 
211171_s_at Hs.487129 PDE10A phosphodiesterase 10A 10 8.77e−07 
218788_s_at Hs.546424 SMYD3 SET and MYND domain containing 3 8.97e−07 
200648_s_at Hs.518525 GLUL glutamate-ammonia ligase (glutamine synthase) 18 9.55e−07 
211729_x_at Hs.488143 BLVRA biliverdin reductase A 10 9.71e−07 
209534_x_at Hs.459211 AKAP13 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 10 9.99e−07 
209191_at Hs.193491 TUBB6 tubulin, β6 10 1.20e−06 
229332_at Hs.162717 GLOXD1 glyoxalase domain containing 1 10 1.22e−06 
206935_at Hs.19492 PCDH8 protocadherin 8 1.29e−06 
219620_x_at Hs.495541 FLJ20245 hypothetical protein FLJ20245 19 1.30e−06 
224733_at Hs.298198 CKLFSF3 chemokine-like factor super family 3 10 1.38e−06 
200738_s_at Hs.78771 PGK1 phosphoglycerate kinase 1 10 1.43e−06 
214857_at Hs.225084 C10orf95 chromosome 10 open reading frame 95 10 1.49e−06 
229146_at Hs.122055 C7orf31 chromosome 7 open reading frame 31 14 1.54e−06 
219798_s_at Hs.178011 FLJ20257 hypothetical protein FLJ20257 10 1.60e−06 
206501_x_at Hs.22634 ETV1 ets variant gene 1 18 1.61e−06 
213456_at Hs.25956 SOSTDC1 sclerostin domain containing 1 1.65e−06 
224919_at Hs.302742 MRPS6 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S6 18 1.66e−06 
Table 5.

Functional annotation of up-regulated genes in metastatic pattern

CategoryGene countP
Pattern 5 Organ development 11 3e−04 
 Organ morphogenesis 8e−04 
 Regulation of cellular process 27 0.006 
 Signal transduction 21 0.046 
Pattern 10 Protein amino acid dephosphorylation 5e−04 
 Phosphate metabolism 21 5e−04 
 Glycolysis 0.003 
 Protein modification 26 0.022 
 Gluconeogenesis 0.038 
 Protein amino acid phosphorylation 12 0.038 
 Pyruvate metabolism 0.043 
 Enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway 0.047 
Pattern 18 Regulation of cell cycle 16 2e−04 
 Wnt receptor signaling pathway 9e−04 
 Mitotic cell cycle 0.002 
 Protein localization 15 0.004 
 Nucleobase biosynthesis 0.004 
 Secretory pathway 0.018 
 Membrane organization and biogenesis 0.021 
 Heat generation 0.022 
 DNA replication initiation 0.031 
 Regulation of protein metabolism 0.032 
CategoryGene countP
Pattern 5 Organ development 11 3e−04 
 Organ morphogenesis 8e−04 
 Regulation of cellular process 27 0.006 
 Signal transduction 21 0.046 
Pattern 10 Protein amino acid dephosphorylation 5e−04 
 Phosphate metabolism 21 5e−04 
 Glycolysis 0.003 
 Protein modification 26 0.022 
 Gluconeogenesis 0.038 
 Protein amino acid phosphorylation 12 0.038 
 Pyruvate metabolism 0.043 
 Enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway 0.047 
Pattern 18 Regulation of cell cycle 16 2e−04 
 Wnt receptor signaling pathway 9e−04 
 Mitotic cell cycle 0.002 
 Protein localization 15 0.004 
 Nucleobase biosynthesis 0.004 
 Secretory pathway 0.018 
 Membrane organization and biogenesis 0.021 
 Heat generation 0.022 
 DNA replication initiation 0.031 
 Regulation of protein metabolism 0.032 

Many of the patterns illustrate complex effects of both the local environment and the metastatic potential. Some of these effects seem to be additive, as in pattern 7. In that case, expression is high in FG and in L3.3 cells, but only when they are growing in vivo. The expression is low for all three of the cell lines in vitro and stays low for the highly metastatic cell line L3.6pl even when it is grown in vivo. In addition, highly metastatic L3.6pl cells growing in the pancreas expressed significantly higher levels of 226 genes than did the L3.3 or FG variant cells (in patterns 10, 11, 13, 17, and 19). In addition, the L3.6pl cells growing in the s.c. space expressed significantly higher levels of 98 genes than the L3.3 or FG variant cells (see Materials and Methods). We used DAVID to examine gene patterns that were differentially expressed when the highly metastatic L3.6pl cells growing in the pancreas (orthotopic site) were compared with the same cells growing in the subcutis (ectopic site; Table 6). The patterns of genes expressed in orthotopic tumors were enriched for protein amino acid dephosphorylation, ion transport, ATP binding, and actin cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis. By contrast, the patterns of genes expressed ectopically were enriched for tissue development, negative regulation of cell proliferation, regulation of cell differentiation, and negative regulation of apoptosis. (Lists of the top 50 up-regulated genes in orthotopic and s.c. L3.6pl tumors are provided in Supplementary Tables S2 and S3).

Table 6.

Comparison between up-regulated genes in orthotopic and ectopic tumor (highly metastatic cell line L3.6pl)

Tumor sitePatternGene countRepresentative Gene Ontology categoryP
Ectopic 27 Tissue development 0.011 
 25 Negative regulation of cell proliferation 0.002 
 12 28 Regulation of cell differentiation 0.002 
 16 18 Negative regulation of apoptosis 0.017 
 Total 98   
Orthotopic 10 160 Protein amino acid dephosphorylation 5.10e−04 
 13 Ion transport 4.50e−05 
 17 12 Protein modification 0.033 
 19 51 ATP binding 0.002 
 Total 226   
Tumor sitePatternGene countRepresentative Gene Ontology categoryP
Ectopic 27 Tissue development 0.011 
 25 Negative regulation of cell proliferation 0.002 
 12 28 Regulation of cell differentiation 0.002 
 16 18 Negative regulation of apoptosis 0.017 
 Total 98   
Orthotopic 10 160 Protein amino acid dephosphorylation 5.10e−04 
 13 Ion transport 4.50e−05 
 17 12 Protein modification 0.033 
 19 51 ATP binding 0.002 
 Total 226   

We determined that growth in a specific organ microenvironment is a prerequisite for identifying a differential gene expression pattern unique to metastatic human pancreatic cancer cells. Three variant lines of a single human pancreatic cancer with different metastatic potentials were grown in vitro, in the subcutis, and in the pancreas of nude mice. The pattern of gene expression was similar in the three lines growing in culture but not in vivo (Fig. 1). Cell cultures formed a distinct branch of the dendrogram, but there was a clear expression signature that differentiated between the three cell lines once they were growing in vivo. Specifically, the pattern of gene expression associated with the metastatic phenotype of the highly metastatic cell line L3.6pl was most different from that of the L3.3 or FG cell lines when the tumor cells were growing in the pancreas. (This assertion follows from the height of the main splits in the dendrogram of Fig. 1; it is also apparent from a principal component analysis contained in Supplementary Fig. S3.) We previously showed that implantation of tumor cells at orthotopic or ectopic sites in nude mice produces tumors with different metastatic potentials (1, 4, 8). The orthotopic tumors are invasive and metastatic, whereas the ectopic s.c. tumors are not, suggesting that different microenvironments may differentially influence the expression of metastasis-related genes (1517). A significant difference in gene expression patterns was identified between orthotopic tumors and ectopic tumors of L3.6pl (Table 6). The orthotopic tumors expressed 226 unique genes and the ectopic tumors expressed 98 genes. Our data showing that the growth of the variant cell lines in the subcutis did not yield similar results indicate that the orthotopic microenvironment significantly influences specific gene expression in pancreatic cancer cells.

By jointly analyzing the data from the three cell lines in multiple environments, we have been able to identify expression patterns that are specific to the highly metastatic cell line L3.6pl when it is grown orthotopically. Specifically, the genes in patterns 10, 11, 13, 17, and 19 have their highest expression level in orthotopically grown L3.6pl cells, and the genes in patterns 6, 22, 23, 24, 29, and 30 have their lowest expression under the same conditions. The 50 most highly expressed genes of the metastatic cell line, regardless of the microenvironment, are listed in Table 4. The dominant pattern was pattern 10, which has its highest expression in orthotopically grown L3.6pl cells. The Gene Ontology analysis identified functional categories that were up-regulated in the metastatic cell line (Table 5). Many of the genes with catalytic (enzymatic) activities are involved in several phosphorylated signaling pathways.

Some of the genes have previously been identified as metastasis-related genes (18, 19). Tropomysin-related kinase B (Table 4) was overexpressed in the patients with pancreatic cancer and its expression correlated with perineural invasion, a positive retroperitoneal margin, and shorter latency to the development of liver metastasis (18). Axl receptor tyrosine kinase (Table 4) is highly expressed in a variety of tumors (1922) and was reported to be expressed at 10-fold higher levels in a peritoneal metastatic nodule than in other normal and malignant tissues (19). Axl signaling has been shown to affect neovascularization in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo (23).

Many investigators have used mRNA microarrays to study the effects of in vitro and in vivo microenvironments on gene expression profiles in various cancers (2428). Sandberg and Ernberg (29) reported on a meta-analysis of gene expression profiles from three laboratories comprising 60 cell lines and 311 tissues (135 normal tissues and 176 tumor tissues). They concluded that the genes involved in cell cycle progression, macromolecule processing and turnover, and energy metabolism were up-regulated in cell lines, whereas cell adhesion molecules and membrane signaling proteins were down-regulated. Our data reveal the same tendency for differences between in vitro and in vivo microenvironments. Differences in gene expression by tumor cells growing in vitro and in vivo were also reported by Camphausen et al. (30), who compared two different glioblastoma cell lines, U87 and U251, grown in cell culture, s.c., and intracerebrally. The gene expressions in the cells grown in the three environments differed for both cell lines. Unlike our data, the gene expression patterns of the U87 and U251 cells in that study were more similar in the orthotopic tumors than in ectopic s.c. tumors, and the greatest difference between the two cell lines was found in the in vitro cultures (30). A follow-up study that examined the effects of radiation on U87 and U251 cells reported few commonly affected genes in cultured cells and greater changes that were detected after orthotopic radiation (31).

The pathogenesis of metastasis selects for tumor cells that succeed in invasion, embolization, survival in the circulation, arrest in the capillary beds, and then extravasation and growth in the organ parenchyma (32). Thus, the outcome of cancer metastasis depends on multiple interactions of metastatic cells with a specific organ microenvironment (32, 33). Recent in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical staining studies have shown that the expression of various genes and proteins varies between different regions of a single tumor and between tumors implanted in different sites of nude mice (16, 17). Our data show that the organ microenvironment clearly influences the pattern of gene expression profiles of tumor cells that have different metastatic potentials. These data suggest that both the nature of tumor cells and the host microenvironment contribute to a variety of gene expressions necessary for the development of cancer metastasis.

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research Online (

Grant support: Cancer Center Support Core Grant CA16672 and Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Prostate Cancer Grant CA902701 from the National Cancer Institute, NIH.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

We thank Karen F. Phillips, ELS, for critical editorial review, and Lola López for expert preparation of this manuscript.

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