Using an integrated approach of epigenomic scanning and gene expression profiling, we found aberrant methylation and epigenetic silencing of a small neighborhood of contiguous genes—the HOXA gene cluster in human breast cancer. The observed transcriptional repression was localized to ∼100 kb of the HOXA gene cluster and did not extend to genes located upstream or downstream of the cluster. Bisulfite sequencing, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis confirmed that the loss of expression of the HOXA gene cluster in human breast cancer is closely linked to aberrant DNA methylation and loss of permissive histone modifications in the region. Pharmacologic manipulations showed the importance of these aberrant epigenetic changes in gene silencing and support the hypothesis that aberrant DNA methylation is dominant to histone hypoacetylation. Overall, these data suggest that inactivation of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer may represent a new type of genomic lesion—epigenetic microdeletion. We predict that epigenetic microdeletions are common in human cancer and that they functionally resemble genetic microdeletions but are defined by epigenetic inactivation and transcriptional silencing of a relatively small set of contiguous genes along a chromosome, and that this type of genomic lesion is metastable and reversible in a classic epigenetic fashion. (Cancer Res 2006; 66(22): 10664-70)

Epigenetic inactivation linked to aberrant methylation of CpG islands is a fundamental participant in human carcinogenesis and is often coupled to associated changes in histone state, chromatin structure, and gene silencing (1). Aberrant DNA methylation in cancer cells is involved in the pinpoint inactivation of individual genes and, recently, has also been shown to afflict large chromosomal domains (2, 3). These lesions are analogous to the genetic events of gene mutation and chromosomal deletion. The HOXA gene cluster is a family of homeotic genes that encode transcriptional regulators that play critical roles in the development and differentiation of many multicellular organisms (4), and HOXA1 to HOXA11 are expressed in normal breast epithelium (Supplementary Fig. S1). Results from the study presented herein show that this small neighborhood of contiguous genes, which inhabits ∼100 kb of DNA, undergoes selective epigenetic inactivation in human breast cancer. Gene expression analysis indicates that this epigenetic inactivation is limited to the HOXA cluster and does not extend to genes upstream or downstream of this region. Overall, these results suggest that inactivation of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer is an example of epigenetic microdeletion. This new type of lesion is defined by an epigenetic inactivation that is targeted to a contiguous set of genes along a chromosome and structurally and functionally resembles a genetic microdeletion in that it affects a relatively small genomic region that results in the loss of expression of the genes in the region. Unlike genetic microdeletions, in the case of epigenetic microdeletions, the inappropriate gene silencing is metastable and reversible in a classic epigenetic fashion.

Cell culture. All cell lines were maintained and treated with 5-aza-2′ deoxycytidine (5-aza-dCyd) as previously described (5). Cells were treated with trichostatin A alone for 24 hours or added to the 5-aza-dCyd treatments for the final 24 hours before RNA isolation.

Breast tumor specimens. Flash-frozen surgical specimens from normal or cancerous breast tissue were obtained from breast cancer patients. All patients signed surgical and clinical research consents for tissue collection in accordance with the University of Arizona Institutional Review Board and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations.

Nucleic acid isolation. RNA and DNA were isolated as previously described (6).

Bisulfite sequencing. Genomic DNA was analyzed by bisulfite sequencing as described (7). The HOXA CpG islands were amplified from the bisulfite-modified DNA by two rounds of PCR using nested primers. Primer sequences are available in Supplementary Table S1.

Real-time reverse transcription-PCR. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) analysis was done as previously described (6). Primer/probe sequences or ABI Assay ID numbers are available on request.

Chromatin immunoprecipitations. Chromatin immunoprecipitations and quantitative real-time PCR were done as previously described (5). Antibodies used for the analysis of histone modifications were obtained from Upstate Biotechnology (Temeculah, CA). Primer sequences are available on request.

CpG island microarrays. Six thousand eight-hundred clones from a human CpG island library (8) were arrayed, DNA sequence validated, and prepared for microarray as described (9).

HOXA tiling array. PCR primers were designed using Primer3 for a region spanning the HOXA cluster (chr7:26900200-27019000) using the May 2004 build of the human genome. The average size of the 170 products was 496 bp with gaps between amplicons averaging 199 bp. PCR primers were also designed for a region spanning GAPDH (chr12:6512873-6519114) and ACTB (chr7:5338000-5344715) each with an average amplicon length of 492 bp to serve as controls. Primer sequences are available on request.

Methylcytosine immunoprecipitation. DNA was immunoprecipitated with a 5-methylcytosine antibody, and the immunoprecipitated and input DNA were fluorescently labeled for microarray hybridization as described (10). Microarray slides were hybridized, washed, and scanned as described (9).

McrBC methylation analysis of DNA. McrBC digestion and methylation analysis were done as previously described (9).

CpG Island and HOXA microarray hybridization, washing, and scanning. Microarray slides were hybridized, washed, and scanned as described (9).

Microarray data processing. Median signal intensity of each spot was extracted using GenePix software and used for analysis.

McrBC methylation data were normalized using Bioconductor with the LIMMA package (11). Spots flagged as bad or not found were not used. Robust spline normalization and Gquantile were used intra-array and interarray, respectively. Normalized log 2 ratios were analyzed using BRB ArrayTools6

to find CpG islands differentially methylated between tumor and normal breast specimens. Only probes with <50% of missing values were used for statistical testing. Parameters of testing were the following: significance level, 0.01; confidence level of false discovery rate assessment, 90%; and maximum allowed proportion of false-positive genes, 15%.

Data obtained from the methylcytosine immunoprecipitation and HOXA arrays were normalized in Excel. First, intensity-based normalization was done according to Xk = log2(Rk / Gk) − Ak × f, where X1k is the normalized ratio and Rk and Gk are red and green foreground median spot intensities of spot k, respectively. Ak is overall magnitude of the spot intensity [log2(Rk) + log2(Gk)] / 2 and f is array-specific normalization factor. The value of normalization factor f was calculated iteratively to minimize the sum of SDs of replicated spots on the array. In the second normalization step, the median ratio of all housekeeping genes was subtracted from Xk. For visualization of DNA methylation profile, normalized ratios were ordered according to physical position in HOXA cluster and smoothed using average over three neighboring loci.

Affymetrix microarray expression data. Affymetrix HG-UI33A plus 2.0 GeneChips were used according to the protocols of the manufacturer. CEL files were analyzed using the GC-RMA algorithm (12) to produce normalized transcript-level signal. The median normal tissue expression was than used for per-gene normalization. To exclude low-quality data, all probes with raw signal below threshold (median of all intensities) in more than 80% of the arrays were removed.

Hierarchical clustering and data visualization. All hierarchical clustering was done in Cluster 3.0 software (University of Tokyo, Human Genome Center)7

and heat maps were created in Java TreeView 1.0.12 software.

Normal breast tissue and invasive breast cancers were analyzed for DNA methylation state using CpG island microarrays (refs. 9, 13; see Supplementary Table S2 for pathologic assessment of the samples and the assays done on each specimen). 271 CpG island microarray elements that displayed significant differences between normal and cancerous tissues were identified using BRB array tools with a false discovery rate of 15% (Supplementary Table S3) and then analyzed based on their genomic location, such as promoter or satellite sequences. Hierarchical clustering of the data showed that tumor tissue can be distinguished from healthy tissue based on genome-wide DNA methylation patterns (Fig. 1). Differences between normal and cancer tissues could be seen throughout the genome, including single-copy CpG island promoters as well as highly repetitive satellite and Alu sequences. In breast cancer in general, satellite sequences became relatively hypomethylated whereas single-copy CpG island elements and Alu sequences became aberrantly methylated, consistent with earlier work (1315).

Figure 1.

Differences in genome-wide DNA methylation patterns distinguish breast cancer from normal breast tissue (see Supplementary Table S2 for breast cancer pathologic assessment of the samples as well as the assays done on each specimen). Hierarchical clustering of CpG island microarray data from 34 human breast cancer samples and 11 normal breast samples analyzed by CpG island microarrays. A subset of 271 differentially methylated spots (see Materials and Methods) was used for hierarchical clustering and statistical analysis. The respective CpG island elements and breast samples were sorted using the Spearman correlation and average linkage. CpG island array probe ratios were centered using the median ratio of normal tissue samples. Ratios >1 (blue) identify sequences hypermethylated relative to normal tissue samples, and ratios <1 (red) identify sequences hypomethylated relative to normal tissue. Dark blue, highly methylated sequences; red, unmethylated sequences. Horizontally aligned bands mark position of specific group of sequences. Rank categories of the CpG island microarray probes: Rank 1, probes are within 0.5 kb of transcription start; Rank 2, probes are within 1 kb of transcription start; Rank 3, probes are within 2 kb of transcription start; Rank 4, probes are located within a known gene but >2 kb from transcription start; Satellites, probes containing satellite repeats; Alu, probes of which the clones contain >25% of an Alu sequence. HOXA1, HOXA7, and CAV1 are noted.

Figure 1.

Differences in genome-wide DNA methylation patterns distinguish breast cancer from normal breast tissue (see Supplementary Table S2 for breast cancer pathologic assessment of the samples as well as the assays done on each specimen). Hierarchical clustering of CpG island microarray data from 34 human breast cancer samples and 11 normal breast samples analyzed by CpG island microarrays. A subset of 271 differentially methylated spots (see Materials and Methods) was used for hierarchical clustering and statistical analysis. The respective CpG island elements and breast samples were sorted using the Spearman correlation and average linkage. CpG island array probe ratios were centered using the median ratio of normal tissue samples. Ratios >1 (blue) identify sequences hypermethylated relative to normal tissue samples, and ratios <1 (red) identify sequences hypomethylated relative to normal tissue. Dark blue, highly methylated sequences; red, unmethylated sequences. Horizontally aligned bands mark position of specific group of sequences. Rank categories of the CpG island microarray probes: Rank 1, probes are within 0.5 kb of transcription start; Rank 2, probes are within 1 kb of transcription start; Rank 3, probes are within 2 kb of transcription start; Rank 4, probes are located within a known gene but >2 kb from transcription start; Satellites, probes containing satellite repeats; Alu, probes of which the clones contain >25% of an Alu sequence. HOXA1, HOXA7, and CAV1 are noted.

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New and previously identified single-copy CpG islands that become aberrantly methylated in breast cancer were identified by our CpG island arrays. An example of a CpG island previously reported to be methylated and its associated gene silenced in breast cancer was CAVEOLIN-1 (16). New aberrantly methylated CpG islands identified included the islands associated with HOXA1 and HOXA7. Interestingly, in addition to HOXA1 and HOXA7, the rest of the HOXA genes within the cluster are also associated with CpG islands at their 5′ ends, and aberrant methylation of the HOXA5 and HOXA9 promoter in breast cancer has been reported (17, 18). Together, these results led us to hypothesize that the entire contiguous region of the HOXA cluster is a target of aberrant methylation and epigenetic gene silencing in human breast cancer.

To address this hypothesis, we analyzed the gene expression data for the HOXA, HOXB, HOXC, and HOXD gene clusters obtained by Affymetrix transcription profiling from a random subset of 22 of these breast cancers and 4 normal breast tissues, as well as 4 breast cancer cell lines, the nontumorigenic breast epithelial cell line MCF10A, and a normal human mammary epithelial cell strain designated HMEC (Fig. 2A). Overall, there was a selective decrease in the expression of the entire HOXA cluster in the cancerous samples when compared with the noncancerous samples, whereas the paralogous HOX clusters HOXB, HOXC, and HOXD showed no consistent changes in gene expression. Furthermore, the transcriptional repression of the HOXA gene cluster was localized to this neighborhood of genes as analysis of expression of genes extending 2.5 Mb 5′ and 3′ of the HOXA cluster does not show decreases in expression, thereby showing that the repression is localized to the HOXA gene cluster (Fig. 2B). To confirm the Affymetrix gene expression data, we analyzed HOXA gene expression by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (Fig. 2C; Supplementary Table S4). Results from these analyses confirmed a significant decrease or loss of expression of the HOXA1 to HOXA10 genes in invasive breast cancer when compared with normal tissue. This statistically significant diminution in the HOXA cluster did not extend to HOXA11 and HOXA13. The repression of the HOXA cluster seen in vivo extended to in vitro cell line models as well (Fig. 2D). Additional analysis of this data revealed that in this gene cluster, there was a high correlation in expression of neighboring genes in the cluster, suggesting that epigenetic silencing of one HOXA gene may influence the expression of other HOXA genes in their proximity, and therefore the expression of particular gene may not be driven only by the epigenetic state of the promoter region of an individual gene but is also dependent on the epigenetic state of whole HOXA cluster (Supplementary Fig. S2).

Figure 2.

Selective loss of expression of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer cells. A, hierarchical clustering of the breast specimens (Pearson correlation and average linkage) of the HOXA, HOXB, HOXC, and HOXD gene cluster expressions determined from transcription profiling data obtained using Affymetrix U133+2.0 microarrays. Samples are sorted using Affymetrix probe IDs and gene names are aligned along the right side. The heat map scaling of expression levels is shown on the top right. B, gene expression profile of genes sorted according to their physical location along chromosome 7p centered around and extending ∼2.5 Mb 5′ and 3′ of the HOXA cluster. Expression data were obtained from Affymetrix U133 2.0 microarrays. The hierarchical clustering tree of the samples is shown along the top and sample identity is shown along the bottom. Affymetrix probe IDs and gene names are aligned along the right side. The heat map scaling of expression levels is as in (A). C, summary of expression data for all genes of HOXA cluster measured by TaqMan quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Expression values on y axis are relative to the average for each gene. White and gray boxes, groups of 5 normal and 23 cancerous specimens, respectively. Box plots display 50% of data points and show median, upper, and lower quartiles. Solid circle points, individual data points >1.5 box length away. Supplementary Table S4 shows the GAPDH normalized expression data for all samples and the P values calculated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. All members of the cluster from HOXA1 to HOXA10 show significant decreases in gene expression between normal and cancerous breast tissue (P < 0.001). HOXA11, P = 0.16; HOXA13, P = 0.07. D, summary of expression data for all genes of HOXA cluster in the normal mammary strain HMEC and two breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and Bt549, as measured by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. GAPDH was used to normalize all data. Bars, SD from at least three independent experiments.

Figure 2.

Selective loss of expression of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer cells. A, hierarchical clustering of the breast specimens (Pearson correlation and average linkage) of the HOXA, HOXB, HOXC, and HOXD gene cluster expressions determined from transcription profiling data obtained using Affymetrix U133+2.0 microarrays. Samples are sorted using Affymetrix probe IDs and gene names are aligned along the right side. The heat map scaling of expression levels is shown on the top right. B, gene expression profile of genes sorted according to their physical location along chromosome 7p centered around and extending ∼2.5 Mb 5′ and 3′ of the HOXA cluster. Expression data were obtained from Affymetrix U133 2.0 microarrays. The hierarchical clustering tree of the samples is shown along the top and sample identity is shown along the bottom. Affymetrix probe IDs and gene names are aligned along the right side. The heat map scaling of expression levels is as in (A). C, summary of expression data for all genes of HOXA cluster measured by TaqMan quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Expression values on y axis are relative to the average for each gene. White and gray boxes, groups of 5 normal and 23 cancerous specimens, respectively. Box plots display 50% of data points and show median, upper, and lower quartiles. Solid circle points, individual data points >1.5 box length away. Supplementary Table S4 shows the GAPDH normalized expression data for all samples and the P values calculated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. All members of the cluster from HOXA1 to HOXA10 show significant decreases in gene expression between normal and cancerous breast tissue (P < 0.001). HOXA11, P = 0.16; HOXA13, P = 0.07. D, summary of expression data for all genes of HOXA cluster in the normal mammary strain HMEC and two breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and Bt549, as measured by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. GAPDH was used to normalize all data. Bars, SD from at least three independent experiments.

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To confirm and extend the results obtained from CpG island microarrays, we used bisulfite sequencing to analyze the methylation state of the 5′ CpG islands of the HOXA cluster in a set of the invasive breast cancer samples, normal breast tissue, and in vitro models. The bisulfite analysis of the methylation state of the HOXA1 and HOXA7 CpG island also served to validate the CpG island microarray results. The CpG island regions analyzed are shown schematically in Fig. 3A, and representative results of this analysis are shown in Fig. 3B. (Supplementary Fig. S3 provides the remaining portion of the bisulfite sequencing data set.) Despite contaminating normal breast and stromal tissues present in the breast cancer specimens, bisulfite sequencing confirmed aberrant DNA methylation of HOXA1 and HOXA7 initially revealed by the CpG island microarray results, and extended the results to CpG islands associated with the other HOXA genes, with the exception of HOXA13. Analysis of in vitro models recapitulated the observations made in clinical breast cancer specimens that loss of HOXA gene expression was similarly linked to extensive methylation of HOXA CpG islands. Bisulfite sequencing analysis of MDA-MB-231 and Bt549 revealed widespread methylation of the HOXA gene cluster (Fig. 3B and Supplementary Fig. S3). In contrast, a normal human mammary cell strain (HMEC), which expressed all HOXA genes, except HOXA13, revealed a strikingly different result, showing largely unmethylated CpG islands for the HOXA genes similar to those seen in the normal in vivo setting. Overall, the results from this high-resolution analysis show that aberrant DNA methylation of multiple HOXA CpG islands is a common event in invasive human breast cancer.

Figure 3.

Aberrant DNA methylation and histone modifications of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer. A, schematic diagram of the HOXA gene cluster. The HOXA cluster covers ∼125 kb region on chromosome 7. The map of HOXA cluster is taken from UCSC Genome Browser ( and shows the position of the HOXA coding regions and CpG islands, as well as the custom tracks that mark the sites analyzed by bisulfite sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation. B, methylation status of HOXA CpG islands across the HOXA gene cluster in breast specimens and cell lines. The methylation data obtained by bisulfite sequencing of the samples analyzed are shown. Samples with a prefix “N” are derived from normal tissue and samples with a prefix “T” are derived from tumor tissue. The cell lines shown are the normal cell strain HMEC and the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. In these diagrams, each row represents one cloned and sequenced PCR product, whereas the columns contain the data for each of the CpG sites analyzed (▪, methylated sites; □, unmethylated sites; , poor sequence data). Clones were sorted from least to most methylated for presentation. C, widespread methylation extends beyond HOXA CpG islands and into inter–CpG island regions in breast cancer. DNA methylation analysis of cancerous and normal breast tissues, as well as HMEC, MDA-MB-231, and Bt549, was done using a HOXA tiling array and the methylcytosine immunoprecipitation approach. The map of HOXA cluster is taken from UCSC Genome Browser ( showing the position of the HOXA coding regions and CpG islands along with the custom tracks that mark the locations of the tiled microarray probes (vertical ticks, HOXA), the sites analyzed by bisulfite sequencing, and chromatin immunoprecipitation. D, histone H3 and H4 acetylation and H3 K4 dimethylation are enriched in normal breast epithelial cells but are lost in breast cancer cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis coupled to quantitative real-time PCR was used to analyze the histone modification state of the HOXA cluster in HMEC, MDA-MB-231, and Bt549 cells. Fold enrichment in log scale of each histone modification relative to equal amounts of input DNA is shown on the y axis and each HOXA element analyzed is shown along the x axis. Minus antibody control was used to monitor specificity of the immunoprecipitation and these reactions showed no accumulation of PCR product.

Figure 3.

Aberrant DNA methylation and histone modifications of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer. A, schematic diagram of the HOXA gene cluster. The HOXA cluster covers ∼125 kb region on chromosome 7. The map of HOXA cluster is taken from UCSC Genome Browser ( and shows the position of the HOXA coding regions and CpG islands, as well as the custom tracks that mark the sites analyzed by bisulfite sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation. B, methylation status of HOXA CpG islands across the HOXA gene cluster in breast specimens and cell lines. The methylation data obtained by bisulfite sequencing of the samples analyzed are shown. Samples with a prefix “N” are derived from normal tissue and samples with a prefix “T” are derived from tumor tissue. The cell lines shown are the normal cell strain HMEC and the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. In these diagrams, each row represents one cloned and sequenced PCR product, whereas the columns contain the data for each of the CpG sites analyzed (▪, methylated sites; □, unmethylated sites; , poor sequence data). Clones were sorted from least to most methylated for presentation. C, widespread methylation extends beyond HOXA CpG islands and into inter–CpG island regions in breast cancer. DNA methylation analysis of cancerous and normal breast tissues, as well as HMEC, MDA-MB-231, and Bt549, was done using a HOXA tiling array and the methylcytosine immunoprecipitation approach. The map of HOXA cluster is taken from UCSC Genome Browser ( showing the position of the HOXA coding regions and CpG islands along with the custom tracks that mark the locations of the tiled microarray probes (vertical ticks, HOXA), the sites analyzed by bisulfite sequencing, and chromatin immunoprecipitation. D, histone H3 and H4 acetylation and H3 K4 dimethylation are enriched in normal breast epithelial cells but are lost in breast cancer cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis coupled to quantitative real-time PCR was used to analyze the histone modification state of the HOXA cluster in HMEC, MDA-MB-231, and Bt549 cells. Fold enrichment in log scale of each histone modification relative to equal amounts of input DNA is shown on the y axis and each HOXA element analyzed is shown along the x axis. Minus antibody control was used to monitor specificity of the immunoprecipitation and these reactions showed no accumulation of PCR product.

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To gain a more complete picture of the DNA methylation state of the HOXA cluster, we constructed a HOXA tiling microarray that covered ∼125 kb on chromosome 7. The DNA methylation state of 10 breast tumors, three normal specimens, MDA-MB-231, Bt549, and HMEC was analyzed using the methylcytosine antibody immunoprecipitation approach (10). Results from these experiments are shown in Fig. 3C. Overall, extensive DNA methylation of the HOXA cluster that extended beyond the regions analyzed by bisulfite sequencing could be consistently detected in the tumor specimens and breast cancer cell lines. In contrast, normal specimens and HMEC were largely unmethylated in CpG islands as well as inter–CpG island regions, although regions associated with HOXA9 and HOXA10 did reveal some methylation in normal tissue. Overall, these results show that extended regions of the HOXA cluster, just beyond the CpG islands, become aberrantly methylated in breast cancer.

This aberrant methylation was tightly linked to the histone modification state as shown in Fig. 3D. Chromatin immunoprecipitations of various histone modifications were done on HMEC, MDA-MB-231, and Bt549 and regions associated with the various HOXA genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. Repressive histone modifications such as hypoacetylation of histones H3 and H4 were associated with inappropriate HOXA gene silencing, whereas the permissive histone modifications of histone H3 and H4 hyperacetylation and H3 K4 dimethylation were associated with HOXA gene expression. Taken together, the results presented in Figs. 13 show that inappropriate silencing of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer is widely seen in vivo and in vitro and is closely linked to the presence of aberrant methylation and repressive histone modifications of CpG islands in the HOXA cluster, and these repressive epigenetic marks are limited to a small contiguous stretch of chromosome 7 that is on the order of 100 kb in length.

To investigate the functional importance of aberrant DNA methylation and histone modification state in the transcriptional repression of the HOXA cluster, we treated breast cancer cells in vitro with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-dCyd (19). All silenced HOXA genes in MDA-MB-231 and Bt549 were reactivated by this treatment, supporting an important role for aberrant DNA methylation in the inappropriate repression of HOXA gene expression in breast cancer cells (Fig. 4). In contrast, trichostatin A alone was not sufficient to reactivate silenced HOXA genes in these cell lines, supporting the concept of a hierarchy to the epigenetic layers of gene control where aberrant DNA methylation is dominant to the repressive epigenetic layer of histone hypoacetylation (20). Further support of an epigenetic hierarchy is provided by experiments showing that treatment of the breast cancer cells with 5-aza-dCyd before inhibition of histone deacetylation complexes with trichostatin A resulted in enhanced reexpression of the HOXA cluster. Interestingly, even HOXA13 gene activation occurred following treatment with 5-aza-dCyd plus trichostatin A. This activation of HOXA13 may occur as a result of coordinate regulation of the HOXA genes, which is supported by the correlations shown in Supplementary Fig. S2 suggesting that expression of one HOXA gene in the cluster may influence the expression of other HOXA genes in their proximity. Overall, these results show the importance of DNA methylation in the epigenetic silencing of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer.

Figure 4.

Inhibition of DNA methylation alone reactivates HOXA gene expression and is necessary for HOXA gene reactivation by histone deacetylation inhibition. 5-Aza-dCyd alone, but not trichostatin A alone, reactivates the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer cell lines, whereas 5-aza-dCyd facilitates trichostatin A gene reactivation. MDA-MB-231 (A) and Bt549 (B) treated with either 5-aza-dCyd (AdC) alone or trichostatin A (TSA) alone or 5-aza-dCyd and trichostatin A sequentially were analyzed for gene expression of the HOXA cluster by TaqMan quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Expression levels are normalized to the respective GAPDH expression of each sample.

Figure 4.

Inhibition of DNA methylation alone reactivates HOXA gene expression and is necessary for HOXA gene reactivation by histone deacetylation inhibition. 5-Aza-dCyd alone, but not trichostatin A alone, reactivates the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer cell lines, whereas 5-aza-dCyd facilitates trichostatin A gene reactivation. MDA-MB-231 (A) and Bt549 (B) treated with either 5-aza-dCyd (AdC) alone or trichostatin A (TSA) alone or 5-aza-dCyd and trichostatin A sequentially were analyzed for gene expression of the HOXA cluster by TaqMan quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Expression levels are normalized to the respective GAPDH expression of each sample.

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In conclusion, the silencing of the HOXA gene cluster in breast cancer is associated with the acquisition of the repressive epigenetic mark of DNA hypermethylation and the loss of permissive histone modifications. This epigenetic gene silencing spans several genes over ∼100 kb of contiguous DNA and suggests the existence of a new genomic lesion in human cancer, epigenetic microdeletion. We predict that a number of these events occur in the cancer genome.

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research Online (

Grant support: Grants R01CA65662 and R33CA091351 (B.W. Futscher), Center Grants P30ES06694 and P30CA023074, and Training grants ES007091 and CA09213 (M.M. Oshiro, T. Jensen, and R.J. Wozniak).

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

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