Most human cancers are characterized by genomic instability, the accumulation of multiple genetic alterations, and allelic imbalance throughout the genome. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is a common form of allelic imbalance, and the detection of LOH has been used to identify genomic regions that harbor tumor suppressor genes and to characterize different tumor types, pathological stages and progression. Global patterns of LOH can be discerned by allelotyping of tumors with polymorphic genetic markers. Microsatellites are reliable genetic markers for studying LOH, but typically only a modest number of microsatellites are tested in LOH studies because the genotyping procedure can be laborious. Here we describe the use of a new alternative approach to comprehensive allelotyping in which samples are genotyped for nearly 1500 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci distributed across all human autosomal arms. We examined the pattern of allelic imbalance in human transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder including 36 primary tumors and 1 recurrent tumor with matched normal DNAs. The call rate for all SNPs was 78.5 ± 1.87% overall samples. Overall, the median number of allelic imbalance was 47.5, ranging from 20 to 118. The mean number of allelic imbalances was 36.58, 51.30, and 67.78 for pTa, pT1, and ≥pT2, respectively, and also increased by grade. The SNP microarray analysis result was validated by comparison with microsatellite allelotype analysis of 118 markers in the same tumors. Overall, the two methods produced consistent loss patterns at informative loci. The SNP assay discovered previously undiscovered allelic imbalances at chromosomal arms 12q, 16p, 1p, and 2q. The detection of LOH and other chromosomal changes using large numbers of SNP markers should enable rapid and accurate identification of allelic imbalance patterns that will facilitate the mapping and identification of important cancer genes. Moreover, SNP analysis raises the possibility of individual tumor genome-wide allelotyping with potential prognostic and diagnostic applications.

There are convincing data to support the hypothesis that a large number of genetic events play a role in the etiology and progression of human cancer. In addition to oncogene activation, the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes has been shown to play an important role in tumorigenesis (1). The silencing of tumor suppressor genes often involves two genetic events: the loss or recombination of large chromosomal DNA regions containing one parental allele and a smaller mutational event (e.g., point mutation, localized deletion, promoter hypermethylation) inactivating the second allele (2).

Global patterns of LOH4 can be analyzed through allelotyping of tumors with polymorphic genetic markers from each chromosomal arm (3). Two allele RFLPs and Southern analysis gave way to simple-sequence-length polymorphisms such as PCR-based microsatellites, and both proved to be reliable genetic markers for studying LOH (4). However, only a modest number of polymorphic markers have been used in LOH studies because genotyping of many loci requires extensive time and labor. Furthermore, high-density genotyping is needed to tease out small deletions useful for the localization of a cancer gene and rare events that may define tumor behavior. Thus, high-throughput methods, such as CGH arrays5(5) and SNP arrays6(6, 7), have been introduced recently for genome-wide screening for chromosomal imbalance. However, CGH has limits of definition for small losses. Moreover, CGH can estimate the number of alleles but cannot distinguish between paternal and maternal from recombinational events (5, 8). SNPs can detect recombination events and may occur at more than three million sites in the human genome (approximately once in every 100–300 bases; Ref. 9), making it possible to place SNPs at high density along the genome. First-generation and second-generation SNP arrays fabricated by high-density photolithography have identified allelic imbalance (loss or gain of one allele,) in esophageal adenocarcinoma and in small cell lung carcinomas with high reproducibility and resolution (6, 7). This technique is potentially rapid, adaptable to clinical laboratory setting, and permits the analysis of a large volume of clinical samples (global genome analysis in one reaction).

Bladder tumors are predominantly TCCs but display significant variation in clinical behavior, propensity to recur, progression, and prognosis, which likely reflect genetic heterogeneity. Like most adult solid tumors, bladder cancers show a wide range of chromosomal numbers associated with a large number of structural and numerical chromosomal changes, suggesting diversity in the biology of these cancer cells (10). To understand the molecular mechanisms of this disease, it will be necessary to better define LOH patterns and ultimately identify the genes underlying these chromosomal abnormalities. Toward this end, we undertook a genome-wide allelotyping of TCCs of the bladder based on the Affymetrix HuSNP chip and validated our results by direct comparison with microsatellite analysis of the same tumors.

Sample Collection.

Primary tumor and peripheral blood samples were collected from 36 patients undergoing surgical resection of bladder cancer. A recurrent tumor from case number 32 was also collected. Lymphocytes were collected from blood and were used as the source of normal DNA. Tumor samples were promptly frozen at −80°C after initial gross pathological examination and microscopic dissection. DNA was isolated from tumor tissue or lymphocyte pellets by standard SDS/proteinase K digestion followed by phenol and chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation (11).

Microsatellite DNA Markers and PCR-LOH Analysis.

To perform a genome-wide allelotyping study, we used 118 microsatellite markers spanning all of the 39 nonacrocentric autosomal arms. Chromosomal localization of each marker was estimated by combining data from the Genethon genetic map and from the Genome Database (GDB)-integrated genetic and physical maps. One primer of each marker pair was end-labeled with [γ-32P]ATP (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL) using T4-polynucleotide kinase (Life Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD). Genomic DNA (50 ng) was subjected to 35 PCR cycles at a denaturing temperature of 95°C for 30 s, followed by various annealing temperatures ranging from 54°C to 58°C for 1 min, an extension step at 70°C for 1 min, and a final single extension step at 70°C for 5 min. PCR products were then separated in a denaturing 7% polyacrylamide-urea-formamide gel. Autoradiography was performed overnight at −80°C. LOH was scored in informative cases if a significant reduction (>50%) in the ratio of the signal from the tumor allele was observed in comparison with the corresponding normal alleles in the adjacent lane. Analysis of all samples was carried out in a blinded fashion, without knowledge of pathological grade, stage, and clinical status.

SNP Chip Assay.

Matched tumor and normal DNA samples were analyzed by using the HuSNP chip assay (Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) per the manufacturer’s protocol7 and as described previously (7).

Data Analysis.

GeneChip data analysis begins with assigning an experiment name to a probe array by creating an exp file. Scanning a probe array creates a data file or image file. From this data file, the software automatically generates a cell file by demarcating individual cells. A “probe cell” is the area on the surface of the array containing a unique oligonucleotide sequence. The pixel intensities within each probe cell are averaged, producing a cell file. Typical images are available at the Affymetrix website.8

Genotype assignments (i.e., calls) were made automatically from the collected hybridization signal intensities by Genechip 3.1 software (Affymetrix, Inc.). Each allele (A or B) of a SNP was represented by four or five complementary 20-nucleotide probes. The SNP was at a different position in each probe. Each probe, in turn, was paired with a probe of the same sequence except for a central mismatch at or near the SNP position. These mismatch probes helped us to factor cross-hybridization out of the data analyses. The pattern recognition component of the software relies on the relative allele signal determined for each SNP and is described in the HuSNP Mapping Assay Technical Note, available from Affymetrix, Inc. (product 700318). This analysis can provide six possible calls: AA, BB, AB, AB_A (i.e., AB or AA), and AB_B (i.e., AB or BB). We considered no signal and AB_A, and AB_B calls to be noninformative. For all of the calculated results in this report, we used the calls generated from the software of Affymetrix, Inc. Allelic imbalance can be assessed when the individual SNP is polymorphic in the germ line (blood DNA), defined as informative and AA or BB in corresponding DNA from the tumor, indicating the loss of one allele or the amplification of the other allele.

Statistical Methods.

The major statistical end point in this study was the correlation of SNP imbalance with LOH by microsatellite analysis over 39 chromosomal arms. Cross-tabulations were analyzed using χ2 or Fisher’s exact tests when appropriate. Stage (pTa, pT1, ≥pT2) and grade (G1, G2, and G3) were recorded when reported. Mean FAL was compared for sequence tandem repeats and SNPs across stage and grade status groups using simple linear regression models. All of the statistical computations were performed using the SAS system (12), and the Ps reported are two sided.

Alteration Frequencies Determined by SNP Chips.

Thirty-six primary bladder tumor and matched normal lymphocyte DNAs were genotyped using the HuSNP chip (Table 1). The software from Affymetrix, Inc., generated all of the genotype calls presented here (examples are presented in Fig. 1). The HuSNP chip performance (percentage passed) was 78.5 ± 1.87 over all of the samples yielding ∼1172 SNPs scored per sample (Table 2). The rate did not differ significantly between normal and tumor samples. In total, the median number of heterozygous loci was 341 (range, 267–404) with an average coverage of one SNP per 8.7 cM. Frequent allelic imbalances (≥50%) were observed at SNP loci on chromosomal arms 9p, 9q, 4q, 12q, 11p, 13q, 8q, 1p, 1q, 5q, 8p, 10q, 11q, 16p, 2q, 3p, 14q, 17p, 17q, and 18q (Fig. 2). Allelic imbalances in a frequency of 31–50% were found in chromosomal arms 3q, 4p, 6p, 10p, and 21q (Fig. 2). Many other chromosomes harbored imbalances at a frequency of ≤30% (e.g., chromosomal arms 6q, 7p, 7q, 15q, 18p; Fig. 2).

Alteration Frequencies Determined by Microsatellite PCR.

Thirty of the 36 normal-and-tumor paired DNAs were allelotyped with 118 microsatellite markers distributed over 39 chromosomal arms. Overall, a relatively high percentage (more than 40%) of LOH was found for chromosomal arms, in order of frequency as follows: 9q [23 (76.67%) of 30], 9p (70%), 8p (50%), 20q(43%), 8q [13 (43.33%) of 30], 1q [12 (40%) of 30], 21q [12 (40%) of 30], and 5q [12 (40%) of 30; Fig. 2]. The frequency of allelic losses at 9p and 9q were nearly equally distributed throughout all of the tumor stages; the occurrence of allelic loss at 1p, 1q, 4p, 5q, 8p, 10q, 11q, 13q, 16p, 16q, 18p, 18q, 20q, 21q, and 22q correlated with higher stages (examples are presented in Fig. 3).

Comparison of Microsatellite Analysis with the HuSNP Chip Assay.

To verify that the SNP array-based detection of allelic imbalance was comparable with a known and established method, we compared the two genomic approaches. The range of consistency between the two methods in different loci varied from 50 to 100% (Table 3). Concordance (comparing at least one informative locus by SNP assay within 10 cM in both directions from the informative microsatellite marker) of ≥90% were observed for D1S228, D2S136, D2S126, D3S1268, D5S417, D5S108, D6S261, D12S95, D13S270, D14S288, D15S117, D15S116, D16S423, D19S246, D20S119, and D22S282 loci. Because of a limitation in the accuracy of physical mapping data for both SNPs and microsatellites (and because most chromosomal deletions are large and contiguous), we compared the two methods by considering whole chromosomal arms. This comparison is shown in Table 4. In the supplementary data,2 specific genome-wide information for each locus shows a generally high consistency across all of the chromosomal arms. Images of SNP markers and microsatellite markers from the same region of chromosomal arms from different patients are shown in Fig. 4.

The HuSNP chip assay detected a high frequency of allelic imbalance (≥50%) in the 36 primary bladder cancers on chromosomal arms previously described (13, 14, 15, 16). In addition, the assay detected a high incidence of allelic imbalance at chromosomal arms 12q, 16p, 1p, and 2q that was not previously reported. The pattern of allelic imbalance by SNP chips analysis is remarkably similar to that shown by microsatellite analysis, yet it clearly provides more information because of the presence of additional markers in regions sparsely populated by the microsatellites that we tested in both techniques. LOH of 9p and 9q were the most common events in bladder cancers, and the average number of losses (FAL) increased with more advanced pathological stage and grade by both of the techniques (Fig. 5). In one recurrent tumor from case number 32, allelic imbalance at 39 SNP loci were identical to those seen on the index tumor. Additionally, 84 new SNP losses (mostly on chromosomes 2, 8, and 9) were identified in the recurrent tumor.

The present study describes a high-resolution, genome-wide allelotyping of 36 primary human bladder cancers using the HuSNP chip. We validated our SNP assay data with “gold standard” microsatellite analysis using a subset of 30 normal and tumor DNA pairs in both assays. Observed heterozygosity (median, 341 SNPs) matched the expected distribution of heterozygosity as defined using biallelic SNP markers (9) and in previously reported HuSNP data (7). Previous allelotyping analyses of bladder cancer by our group (14) and others (16) were restricted to particular chromosomal regions or arms, or else used a relatively low density of markers. Very few reports have presented allelotyping data on multiple sites in the same tumor using two different methods. Our results represent, to date, the highest resolution of bladder cancer allelotyping with genome-wide coverage and allow for more comprehensive analysis. The HuSNP chip assay is high throughput and more automated than PCR-based microsatellite analysis at detecting LOH, but neither technique is currently infallible in identifying LOH. For fine mapping studies, an initial HuSNP chip assay may need to be followed by additional allelotyping using dense polymorphic markers (SNPs or microsatellites) tested by individual assays.

Currently, the standard method for detecting LOH is PCR amplification of a specific locus, followed by size separation of the allele products on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel, followed by autoradiography. By this method, most studies have been limited to testing just a few chromosomal arms. Moreover, labor-intensive gel-based microsatellite assays are difficult to automate and are not readily scalable (17). They also entail additional labor in having to individually radioactive- or fluorescence-label many individual markers. This approach is also expensive and not readily available to most clinical laboratories. Scanning any portion of a chromosomal arm or region may miss smaller deletions especially valuable for the localization of a cancer gene (e.g., p16 on 9p). It remains to be seen whether SNP analysis can detect homozygous deletions, but preliminary evidence suggests that homozygous deletions can be resolved in microdissected tumor specimens as shown for microsatellites (18). Finally, scoring for LOH can be very subjective with microsatellite analysis and generally requires great expertise.

As expected, the degree of accordance between the two methods was reasonably high. The results obtained by HuSNP assay were generally reproducible by microsatellite analysis when we compared locus to locus (Table 3). Moreover, when we compared the two methods by chromosomal arms (Table 4), the concordance of the two methods was very robust. The highest degree of discrepancy was observed in chromosomal arm 14q (32.04%). Chromosomal arm 14q (19) is a region of frequent cytogenetic alterations in bladder cancer but does not always reflect interstitial deletions or LOH. Thus, the nature of chromosomal alterations may also be responsible for the discrepancy in other chromosomal arms such as 11p, 9p, and 4q, which are also frequently altered in bladder cancer but have produced mixed results by different assays (20, 21, 22). Therefore, in cases with high discordance, the results need to be confirmed using additional techniques such as FISH or real-time PCR. Real-time PCR has the advantage that it can be performed using small numbers of tumor cells, and the need for normal reference DNA can be circumvented. In addition, this method will give exact information about the copy number of a given gene (23).

In several cases, a discrepancy appeared with the detection of LOH by microsatellite analysis but no detectable chromosomal imbalance by the HuSNP chip assay. This is probably caused by a no-signal genotype call either in tumor or in normal DNA or in both. This problem can be solved by increasing the number of SNPs for the specific loci and by developing a more sensitive method for the generation of calls. When we take into account the cutoff values for LOH detection by microsatellite analysis and the HuSNP assay threshold for the definition of loss of genetic material in our study, we conclude that microsatellite analysis may be somewhat more sensitive for the detection of genetic loss at a particular locus. However, re-evaluation of the respective SNP calls by using Ps (6) did not suggest that this will hamper the automation of the assay and may simply raise questions for generated calls by the quality control software. Most of the differences in our comparison study are probably attributable to: (a) limitation of mapping data for both microsatellite and SNPs; (b) differences in resolution of microsatellites and SNPs; (c) amplification efficiency and differential sensitivity of the two methods; (d) technical limitations such as a no-signal genotype call by the Affymetrix software; and (e) the presence of bad SNPs in the array.

The HuSNP chip assay provides several distinct advantages over microsatellite analysis: (a) the assay is accurate, automated, and readily adaptable to the clinical setting and high-density mapping. SNPs can be amplified by multiplex PCR (24) in contrast with microsatellite markers that generally require individual amplification reactions or at best only a limited multiplex assay; (b) analysis of the genetic alterations with the HuSNP assay saves considerable time over microsatellite analysis; (c) the assay involves multiplex amplification and other methods that can be completed in one day. All of the 36 samples were amplified and analyzed by SNP analysis by a single investigator in 6 weeks. Conventional microsatellite analysis of these samples consumed the time of more than one person/year; (d) the SNP array method is also a molecular technique that allows the detection of chromosomal imbalances in tumor DNA prepared from fresh or archival material. Archival pathology specimens are a valuable resource for the genetic analysis of tumors but are limited in the quantity and quality of the extractable DNA. Formalin, the most commonly used fixative for pathology tissue specimens, has been shown to reduce the size of PCR segments (often to <200 bp) that may be amplified from the samples (25, 26). Tissues frozen in OCT media for frozen section diagnosis suffers less of a direct insult to DNA quality but are still subject to handling and storage exposure that may result in DNA fragmentation. Ideally, a genomic analysis technique for pathology specimens would maximize the data obtained from nanogram quantities of low-molecular-weight DNA. The HuSNP array has yielded genotype results that were reliable and concordant for both fixed and frozen tumor (27); and (e) a minimal quantity (120 ng) of sample DNA is needed for each SNP assay. If the frequency of SNP heterozygosity is 50% lower than microsatellites, to analyze 750 microsatellite loci (one-half of the 1500 SNP loci) requires 15 μg of DNA, which in some cases can be impossible to obtain from small clinical or paraffin-embedded samples.

There are also some limitations to the SNP assay: (a) a lower average heterozygosity of SNPs (0.33) compared with sequence tandem repeat. However, the identification and mapping of additional SNP markers is rapidly advancing; this will be helpful to have more informative loci in the region of interest; (b) the present version of the HuSNP array contains some regions of the genome in which the SNPs are clustered, in contrast to other sites in which SNPs are underrepresented. Efforts are under way to customize a second-generation HuSNP array that will contain 10,000 SNPs and will provide more information on genome localization.

The most frequent allelic deletion/allelic imbalances were at 9p and 9q. This is in agreement with other recent reports (28, 29). Molecular mapping studies have shown several candidate tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 9 (30, 31, 32), and it is probable that loss of chromosome 9 is an early event of bladder tumor formation. The other most frequently affected genetic alterations from our samples were on chromosome 1, 8, 16, 14, and 21, as described previously by other approaches (33, 34). Both FALs and specific losses were clearly associated with stage and grade progression. Our present data confirm and extend the previous findings of genetic alterations in bladder cancer on chromosomes 3, 4, 10, 13, and 17. Some chromosomal arms like 5p, 7q, 12p, 16q, 18p, 19p, 20p, 20q, and 22q were rarely altered in our set of samples.

In summary, our findings revealed high concordance between the HuSNP array and conventional LOH analysis by microsatellites. We were able to perform a genome-wide comparison with microsatellites where previously reported data (6, 7, 35) confirmed only a small panel of microsatellites on a limited number of chromosomal arms. Moreover, we used the latest SNP mapping information from Affymetrix, which has been compared with the whole genome sequence and is greatly improved over prior reports. We thus confirmed that allelic losses at multiple sites of the genome are frequent in bladder cancer, and we identified new areas of allelic imbalance. The data from this study validate the use of HuSNP arrays for the genotyping of human cancers and emphasize the potential of such high-throughput approaches for use in the clinical setting.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.


Cangen provided partial funding for the research described in this article. Under a licensing agreement between Cangen, Inc. and the Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Sidransky is entitled to a share of royalty received by the University on sales of products described in this article. Dr. Sidransky and the University own Cangen stock, which is subject to certain restrictions under University policy. The terms of this arrangement are being managed by the Johns Hopkins University in accordance with its conflict of interest policies.


Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research Online (


The abbreviations used are: LOH, loss of heterozygosity; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; TCC, transitional cell carcinoma; FAL, fractional allelic loss; CGH, comparative genomic hybridization.


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Fig. 1.

Representative images of fluorescence intensities for SNP array hybridization to normal and tumor DNA samples. For each sample pair (sample numbers 26 and 29), a call of LOH, retention, or uninformative was made. WIAF-2190, WIAF-3801, WIAF-2945, and WIAF-3472 are SNP markers on chromosomal regions 9q34.13, 9q33.3, 9q21.13, and 9p22.3, respectively.

Fig. 1.

Representative images of fluorescence intensities for SNP array hybridization to normal and tumor DNA samples. For each sample pair (sample numbers 26 and 29), a call of LOH, retention, or uninformative was made. WIAF-2190, WIAF-3801, WIAF-2945, and WIAF-3472 are SNP markers on chromosomal regions 9q34.13, 9q33.3, 9q21.13, and 9p22.3, respectively.

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Fig. 2.

Overall allelic imbalance/LOH fraction on p and q arms of the designated chromosome. The level of allelic imbalance/LOH corresponds well between SNPs (white) and microsatellites (black).

Fig. 2.

Overall allelic imbalance/LOH fraction on p and q arms of the designated chromosome. The level of allelic imbalance/LOH corresponds well between SNPs (white) and microsatellites (black).

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Fig. 3.

Percentage of allelic imbalance/LOH on representative chromosomal arms. The level of allelic imbalance/LOH correlated with higher stages of tumor. 1, pTa tumor stage; 2, pT1 tumor stage; 3, ≥ pT3 tumor stages. White bars, SNP analysis; black bars, microsatellite analysis. On chromosomal arm 1p, there were no losses in pTa tumors by microsatellite analysis, but the allelic imbalance detected by SNP assay was 60%. On chromosomal arm 18p, no allelic imbalance/LOH was detected in pTa tumors by either method.

Fig. 3.

Percentage of allelic imbalance/LOH on representative chromosomal arms. The level of allelic imbalance/LOH correlated with higher stages of tumor. 1, pTa tumor stage; 2, pT1 tumor stage; 3, ≥ pT3 tumor stages. White bars, SNP analysis; black bars, microsatellite analysis. On chromosomal arm 1p, there were no losses in pTa tumors by microsatellite analysis, but the allelic imbalance detected by SNP assay was 60%. On chromosomal arm 18p, no allelic imbalance/LOH was detected in pTa tumors by either method.

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Fig. 4.

Representative images of HuSNP and microsatellite allelic loss data for chromosomal arms 9p, 9q, 11p, 14 q, and 17p. For each normal (N) and tumor (T) pair: top panel, the SNP results; bottom panel, the microsatellite results. For the SNP data, allelic imbalance was called based on the automated software-generated data and heterozygosity (AB) in the normal lymphocyte DNA. For the microsatellite data, LOH was scored in informative cases if a significant reduction (<50%) in the ratio of the signal from the tumor allele was observed in comparison with the corresponding normal allele in the adjacent lane. Arrowheads, presence of allelic loss.

Fig. 4.

Representative images of HuSNP and microsatellite allelic loss data for chromosomal arms 9p, 9q, 11p, 14 q, and 17p. For each normal (N) and tumor (T) pair: top panel, the SNP results; bottom panel, the microsatellite results. For the SNP data, allelic imbalance was called based on the automated software-generated data and heterozygosity (AB) in the normal lymphocyte DNA. For the microsatellite data, LOH was scored in informative cases if a significant reduction (<50%) in the ratio of the signal from the tumor allele was observed in comparison with the corresponding normal allele in the adjacent lane. Arrowheads, presence of allelic loss.

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Fig. 5.

FAL index for all of the TCC grades (A) and stages (B) by the SNP analysis. Bars, the mean for each group of subjects (mean FALs are 0.12, 0.14, and 0.22 for grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3, respectively; mean FALs for stages are 0.11, 0.16, and 0.20 for pTa, pT1, and ≥ pT2, respectively). The loss of all informative markers occurred significantly (P = 0.04) more often in stage 3 than in stage 2. Statistical comparison of stage 3 versus stage 1 was significant (P = 0.0002), whereas comparison of stage 1 versus stage 2 identified a trend (P = 0.08). The Ps for grade 3 versus grade 2, grade 3 versus grade 1, and grade 2 versus grade 1 are 0.0007, 0.0007, and 0.62, respectively. C, and D, the FAL index for microsatellite analysis by grade and stage. (Stage 1 versus stage 2, P = 0.09; stage1 versus stage 3, P = 0.003; stage 2 versus stage 3, P = 0.16; grade 1 versus grade 2, P = 0.49; grade 1 versus grade 3, P = 0.005; grade 2 versus grade 3, P = 0.01).

Fig. 5.

FAL index for all of the TCC grades (A) and stages (B) by the SNP analysis. Bars, the mean for each group of subjects (mean FALs are 0.12, 0.14, and 0.22 for grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3, respectively; mean FALs for stages are 0.11, 0.16, and 0.20 for pTa, pT1, and ≥ pT2, respectively). The loss of all informative markers occurred significantly (P = 0.04) more often in stage 3 than in stage 2. Statistical comparison of stage 3 versus stage 1 was significant (P = 0.0002), whereas comparison of stage 1 versus stage 2 identified a trend (P = 0.08). The Ps for grade 3 versus grade 2, grade 3 versus grade 1, and grade 2 versus grade 1 are 0.0007, 0.0007, and 0.62, respectively. C, and D, the FAL index for microsatellite analysis by grade and stage. (Stage 1 versus stage 2, P = 0.09; stage1 versus stage 3, P = 0.003; stage 2 versus stage 3, P = 0.16; grade 1 versus grade 2, P = 0.49; grade 1 versus grade 3, P = 0.005; grade 2 versus grade 3, P = 0.01).

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Table 1

Histopathological classification of bladder cancer samples

Sample no.Cell typeGradeStageMorphology
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
10 TCC pTa Papillary 
11 TCC pT1 Papillary 
12 TCC pT1 Papillary 
13 TCC pT1 Papillary 
14 TCC pT1 Papillary 
15 TCC pT1 Papillary 
16 TCC pT1 Papillary 
17 TCC pT1 Papillary/solid 
18 TCC pT1 Papillary 
19 TCC pT1 Papillary 
20 TCC/glandular pT1 Papillary 
21 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
22 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
23 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
24 TCC pT3 Papillary/solid 
25 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
26 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
27 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
28 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
29 TCC pT3 Papillary/solid 
30 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
31 TCC pT1 Papillary 
32 TCC pT2 Papillary 
32b (recur)a TCC pT2 Papillary 
33 TCC pTa Papillary 
34 TCC pT2 Papillary/flat 
35 TCC pT2 Papillary 
36 TCC pTa Papillary 
Sample no.Cell typeGradeStageMorphology
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
TCC pTa Papillary 
10 TCC pTa Papillary 
11 TCC pT1 Papillary 
12 TCC pT1 Papillary 
13 TCC pT1 Papillary 
14 TCC pT1 Papillary 
15 TCC pT1 Papillary 
16 TCC pT1 Papillary 
17 TCC pT1 Papillary/solid 
18 TCC pT1 Papillary 
19 TCC pT1 Papillary 
20 TCC/glandular pT1 Papillary 
21 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
22 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
23 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
24 TCC pT3 Papillary/solid 
25 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
26 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
27 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
28 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
29 TCC pT3 Papillary/solid 
30 TCC pT2 Papillary/solid 
31 TCC pT1 Papillary 
32 TCC pT2 Papillary 
32b (recur)a TCC pT2 Papillary 
33 TCC pTa Papillary 
34 TCC pT2 Papillary/flat 
35 TCC pT2 Papillary 
36 TCC pTa Papillary 

Sample no. 32b is recurrent tumor.

Table 2

HuSNP chip performance (percentage passed)

Sample no.All lociNormalTumor
77.2 77.9 76.4 
69.8 71.8 67.7 
70.6 69.9 71.3 
64.2 62.2 66.1 
79.8 80.3 79.3 
77.3 79.0 75.6 
75.2 76.3 74.0 
68.5 70.4 66.6 
74.8 73.8 75.7 
10 69.5 69.3 69.7 
11 74.1 74.6 73.6 
12 74.1 75.7 72.4 
13 74.7 74.6 74.7 
14 75.9 77.4 74.4 
15 61.2 59.5 62.9 
16 73.3 75.6 71.0 
17 73.1 74.8 71.4 
18 61.2 64.1 58.3 
19 67.5 65.8 69.1 
20 69 70 68 
21 69 71 68 
22 68 70 65 
23 69 67 80 
24 71 74 68 
25 74 72 75 
26 64 66 62 
27 71 70 73 
28 67.8 69.4 66.1 
29 68 70 67 
30 69 69 65 
31 78 78 73 
32 79 80 79 
32b 80 80 80 
33 76 76 75 
34 75 80 71 
35 82 84 76 
36 80 80 79 
Average 78.5 78.8 78.2 
SD 1.87 1.27 2.47 
Sample no.All lociNormalTumor
77.2 77.9 76.4 
69.8 71.8 67.7 
70.6 69.9 71.3 
64.2 62.2 66.1 
79.8 80.3 79.3 
77.3 79.0 75.6 
75.2 76.3 74.0 
68.5 70.4 66.6 
74.8 73.8 75.7 
10 69.5 69.3 69.7 
11 74.1 74.6 73.6 
12 74.1 75.7 72.4 
13 74.7 74.6 74.7 
14 75.9 77.4 74.4 
15 61.2 59.5 62.9 
16 73.3 75.6 71.0 
17 73.1 74.8 71.4 
18 61.2 64.1 58.3 
19 67.5 65.8 69.1 
20 69 70 68 
21 69 71 68 
22 68 70 65 
23 69 67 80 
24 71 74 68 
25 74 72 75 
26 64 66 62 
27 71 70 73 
28 67.8 69.4 66.1 
29 68 70 67 
30 69 69 65 
31 78 78 73 
32 79 80 79 
32b 80 80 80 
33 76 76 75 
34 75 80 71 
35 82 84 76 
36 80 80 79 
Average 78.5 78.8 78.2 
SD 1.87 1.27 2.47 
Table 3

Genome-wide consistency between microsatellite and SNP chip for LOH analysis by individual locia

MarkersChrbMatchPercentage (%)
D1S228 1p 10/11 90.9 
D1S209 1p 1/1 100 
D1S219 1p 14/16 87.5 
D1S158 1q 19/23 82.6 
AT3 1q 11/16 68.75 
D2S162 2p 11/15 73.33 
D2S147 2p 3/3 100 
D2S136 2p 13/13 100 
D2S111 2q 3/3 100 
D2S143 2q 7/7 100 
D2S126 2q 10/11 90.9 
D3S1270 3p 9/9 100 
D3S1597 3p 1/1 100 
D3S1293 3p 13/15 86.66 
D3S1292 3q 13/16 81.25 
D3S1268 3q 9/10 90 
D4S1582 4p 4/4 100 
D4S404 4p 3/3 100 
D4S174 4p 14/20 70 
D4S1581 4p 3/4 75 
D5S417 5p 9/10 90 
D5S432 5p 6/7 85.71 
D5S108 5p 9/10 90 
D5S411 5p 9/12 75 
D5S253 5q 13/15 86.66 
D5S421 5q 13/22 59.09 
CSFIR 5q 17/22 85 
D5S504 5q 11/14 78.57 
D6S260 6p 12/14 85.71 
D6S265 6p 16/19 84.21 
D6S261 6q 21/23 91.3 
D6S292 6q 16/17 94.11 
D7S481 7p 2/4 50 
D7S507 7p 6/6 100 
D7S488 7p 4/6 66.66 
D7S495 7q 19/22 86.36 
D7S486 7q 6/7 85.71 
D8S1715 8p 1/2 50 
LPL 8p 1/2 50 
D8S261 8p 15/18 83.33 
D8S257 8q 16/20 80 
D8S275 8q 1/1 100 
D8S273 8q 5/6 83.33 
D9S144 9p 8/13 61.53 
D9S1748 9p 20/25 80 
D9S162 9p 5/5 100 
D9S1752 9p Not found  
D9S200 9p 10/16 62 
D9S171 9p 5/5 100 
D9S176 9q 15/18 83.33 
D9S15 9q 12/19 63.15 
GSN 9q 5/8 62.5 
D9S12 9q 9/15 60 
D10S226 10p 8/8 100 
D10S249 10p 10/10 100 
D10185 10q 13/13 100 
D10S221 10q 13/15 86.66 
D11S922 11p 15/19 78.94 
D11S929 11p 8/11 72.22 
D11S907 11p 11/17 64.7 
D11S934 11q 18/24 75 
D12S629 12p 10/12 83.33 
D12S100 12p 1/1 100 
D12S82 12q 4/5 80 
D12S95 12q 16/17 94.11 
D13S284 13q 3/5 60 
D13S270 13q 16/17 94.11 
D13S170 13q 1/1 100 
D13S272 13q 4/4 100 
D14S288 14q 23/25 92 
D14S51 14q 1/2 50 
D15S117 15q 8/11 72.72 
D15S116 15q 21/23 91.3 
D16S423 16p 10/11 90.9 
D16S418 16p 5/7 71.42 
D16S289 16q 12/14 85.71 
D16S413 16q 12/16 75 
CHRNB1 17p 2/2 100 
D17S1353 17p 18/23 78.26 
MarkersChrbMatchPercentage (%)
D1S228 1p 10/11 90.9 
D1S209 1p 1/1 100 
D1S219 1p 14/16 87.5 
D1S158 1q 19/23 82.6 
AT3 1q 11/16 68.75 
D2S162 2p 11/15 73.33 
D2S147 2p 3/3 100 
D2S136 2p 13/13 100 
D2S111 2q 3/3 100 
D2S143 2q 7/7 100 
D2S126 2q 10/11 90.9 
D3S1270 3p 9/9 100 
D3S1597 3p 1/1 100 
D3S1293 3p 13/15 86.66 
D3S1292 3q 13/16 81.25 
D3S1268 3q 9/10 90 
D4S1582 4p 4/4 100 
D4S404 4p 3/3 100 
D4S174 4p 14/20 70 
D4S1581 4p 3/4 75 
D5S417 5p 9/10 90 
D5S432 5p 6/7 85.71 
D5S108 5p 9/10 90 
D5S411 5p 9/12 75 
D5S253 5q 13/15 86.66 
D5S421 5q 13/22 59.09 
CSFIR 5q 17/22 85 
D5S504 5q 11/14 78.57 
D6S260 6p 12/14 85.71 
D6S265 6p 16/19 84.21 
D6S261 6q 21/23 91.3 
D6S292 6q 16/17 94.11 
D7S481 7p 2/4 50 
D7S507 7p 6/6 100 
D7S488 7p 4/6 66.66 
D7S495 7q 19/22 86.36 
D7S486 7q 6/7 85.71 
D8S1715 8p 1/2 50 
LPL 8p 1/2 50 
D8S261 8p 15/18 83.33 
D8S257 8q 16/20 80 
D8S275 8q 1/1 100 
D8S273 8q 5/6 83.33 
D9S144 9p 8/13 61.53 
D9S1748 9p 20/25 80 
D9S162 9p 5/5 100 
D9S1752 9p Not found  
D9S200 9p 10/16 62 
D9S171 9p 5/5 100 
D9S176 9q 15/18 83.33 
D9S15 9q 12/19 63.15 
GSN 9q 5/8 62.5 
D9S12 9q 9/15 60 
D10S226 10p 8/8 100 
D10S249 10p 10/10 100 
D10185 10q 13/13 100 
D10S221 10q 13/15 86.66 
D11S922 11p 15/19 78.94 
D11S929 11p 8/11 72.22 
D11S907 11p 11/17 64.7 
D11S934 11q 18/24 75 
D12S629 12p 10/12 83.33 
D12S100 12p 1/1 100 
D12S82 12q 4/5 80 
D12S95 12q 16/17 94.11 
D13S284 13q 3/5 60 
D13S270 13q 16/17 94.11 
D13S170 13q 1/1 100 
D13S272 13q 4/4 100 
D14S288 14q 23/25 92 
D14S51 14q 1/2 50 
D15S117 15q 8/11 72.72 
D15S116 15q 21/23 91.3 
D16S423 16p 10/11 90.9 
D16S418 16p 5/7 71.42 
D16S289 16q 12/14 85.71 
D16S413 16q 12/16 75 
CHRNB1 17p 2/2 100 
D17S1353 17p 18/23 78.26 
Table 3A


MarkersChrbMatchPercentage (%)
D17S952 17p 1/1 100 
D17S804 17p 2/2 100 
D17S250 17q 4/6 66.66 
D17S579 17q 13/19 68.42 
D18S59 18p 6/7 85.71 
D18S52 18p 2/2 100 
D18S67 18q 1/1 100 
DCC 18q 19/23 82.6 
D18S61 18q 1/2 50 
D19S247 19p 5/5 100 
D19S177 19p 10/12 83.33 
D19S412 19q 4/5 80 
D19S246 19q 20/21 95.23 
D20S57 20p 6/9 66.66 
D20S66 20p 4/5 80 
D20S119 20q 11/12 91.66 
D21S1257 21q 9/14 64.28 
D21S263 21q 7/8 87.5 
D21S259 21q 7/8 87.5 
D21S11 21q 8/9 88.88 
D21S1890 21q 1/1 100 
D22S282 22q 15/16 93.75 
ILRB1 22q 3/3 100 
MarkersChrbMatchPercentage (%)
D17S952 17p 1/1 100 
D17S804 17p 2/2 100 
D17S250 17q 4/6 66.66 
D17S579 17q 13/19 68.42 
D18S59 18p 6/7 85.71 
D18S52 18p 2/2 100 
D18S67 18q 1/1 100 
DCC 18q 19/23 82.6 
D18S61 18q 1/2 50 
D19S247 19p 5/5 100 
D19S177 19p 10/12 83.33 
D19S412 19q 4/5 80 
D19S246 19q 20/21 95.23 
D20S57 20p 6/9 66.66 
D20S66 20p 4/5 80 
D20S119 20q 11/12 91.66 
D21S1257 21q 9/14 64.28 
D21S263 21q 7/8 87.5 
D21S259 21q 7/8 87.5 
D21S11 21q 8/9 88.88 
D21S1890 21q 1/1 100 
D22S282 22q 15/16 93.75 
ILRB1 22q 3/3 100 

The consistency of allelic imbalance/LOH between the HuSNP assay and microsatellite analysis. See “Materials and Methods” for a description of how consistency was calculated.


Chr, chromosome arm.

Table 4

The concordance of SNP and microsatellite analysis by chromosomal armsa

Chr. armMatchPercentage (%)
1p 22/29 75.86 
1q 24/28 85.71 
2p 29/29 100 
2q 24/28 85.71 
3p 23/24 95.83 
3q 23/26 88.46 
4p 26/29 89.65 
4q 20/26 76.92 
5p 25/28 89.28 
5q 26/29 89.65 
6p 24/29 82.75 
6q 24/27 88.88 
7p 23/27 85.18 
7q 24/27 88.88 
8p 25/28 89.28 
8q 27/27 100 
9p 21/28 75 
9q 28/29 96.55 
10p 17/21 80.95 
10q 30/30 100 
11p 18/25 72 
11q 24/28 85.71 
12p 23/25 92 
12q 22/24 91.66 
13p ND ND 
13q 21/25 84 
14p ND ND 
14q 20/29 68.96 
15p ND ND 
15q 22/25 88 
16p 21/24 87.5 
16q 25/28 89.28 
17p 25/30 83.33 
17q 24/27 88.88 
18p 21/23 91.3 
18q 27/29 93.1 
19p 26/28 92.85 
19q 25/27 92.59 
20p 19/25 76 
20q 15/17 88.23 
21p ND ND 
21q 25/29 86.2 
22p ND ND 
22q 24/27 88.88 
Chr. armMatchPercentage (%)
1p 22/29 75.86 
1q 24/28 85.71 
2p 29/29 100 
2q 24/28 85.71 
3p 23/24 95.83 
3q 23/26 88.46 
4p 26/29 89.65 
4q 20/26 76.92 
5p 25/28 89.28 
5q 26/29 89.65 
6p 24/29 82.75 
6q 24/27 88.88 
7p 23/27 85.18 
7q 24/27 88.88 
8p 25/28 89.28 
8q 27/27 100 
9p 21/28 75 
9q 28/29 96.55 
10p 17/21 80.95 
10q 30/30 100 
11p 18/25 72 
11q 24/28 85.71 
12p 23/25 92 
12q 22/24 91.66 
13p ND ND 
13q 21/25 84 
14p ND ND 
14q 20/29 68.96 
15p ND ND 
15q 22/25 88 
16p 21/24 87.5 
16q 25/28 89.28 
17p 25/30 83.33 
17q 24/27 88.88 
18p 21/23 91.3 
18q 27/29 93.1 
19p 26/28 92.85 
19q 25/27 92.59 
20p 19/25 76 
20q 15/17 88.23 
21p ND ND 
21q 25/29 86.2 
22p ND ND 
22q 24/27 88.88 

The criteria for concordance was set up based on the informative markers on individual chromosomal arms. See “Materials and Methods” for details.


Chr., chromosomal; ND, not determined.

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