Genetic instability appears to be required for a normal colorectal epithelial cell to evolve into a cancerous one. Bloom syndrome patients have a strong predisposition to cancer that affects a variety of tissues. The mechanism of disease is attributed to genomic instability, but many questions about the nature of this instability have not yet been answered. To investigate these issues, we used gene-targeting techniques to disrupt the BLM gene in karyotypically stable colorectal cancer epithelial cells. BLM knockout cells showed an increased tendency of sister chromatids to exchange DNA strands and were substantially more likely to undergo homologous recombination at chromosomal loci than parental cells. Surprisingly, BLM-deficient colorectal cancer epithelial cells did not display gross chromosomal rearrangements nor a change in the rates of chromosome gains and losses. However, the enhanced homologous recombination was associated with losses of heterozygosity. These observations define a type of genetic instability that has significant implications for the evolution of cancer.

The human Bloom syndrome gene (BLM) encodes a homologue of the Escherichia coli RecQ DNA helicase (1, 2). DNA helicase unwinds double-stranded DNA molecules, a process required for various aspects of DNA metabolism, including transcription, DNA repair, and replication (3). Mutations in the BLM homologues of mouse, Drosophila, yeast, E. coli, and Caenorhabditis elegans all cause a pronounced genomic instability phenotype manifest by gross chromosomal rearrangements, chromosomal nondisjunction, elevated levels of somatic recombination, and losses of heterozygosity (LOH). In Drosophila, mutations at the mus309 locus (DmBLM) result in 10-fold increased levels of nondisjunction as well as in whole chromosome loss (4). In Sgs1 mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 20-fold increases in gross chromosomal rearrangements as well as elevated rates of homologous recombination have been observed (5, 6). Saccharomyces pombe mutants for Rqh1 are endowed with a hyper-recombinogenic and chromosome nondisjunction phenotype (7). Data from mouse models display all of the above mentioned forms of instability (8, 9). Gross chromosomal rearrangements have been reported in a few hematological neoplasms of Bloom syndrome patients who carry a defective BLM protein (10). Moreover, the incidence of exfoliated epithelial cells containing micronuclei is elevated in Bloom syndrome patients compared with individuals with a heterozygous BLM gene mutation status (11). BLM heterozygosity has been found to increase the risk for colorectal cancer in the Ashkenazi population (12). Colorectal adenomas from a Bloom syndrome patient have previously been analyzed cytogenetically (13). Interestingly, the great majority of cells displayed a diploid karyotype. This is in stark contrast to non-Bloom’s adenomas, which generally tend to show chromosomal gains/losses even at an early stage (14). This unexpected finding stimulated us to rigorously evaluate chromosomal instability in human epithelial cells in a well-defined experimental system.

Cell Culture, Transfection, and Screening for Recombinants.

HCT116 cells (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) were used to generate Blm−/− cell lines. Targeting was performed using the pFred two-vector targeting system described previously in Jallepalli et al. (15). Briefly, the left homology arm was amplified using primers L1 and L2, and cloned into SalI and EcoRI sites of the pFred-B construct. The right homology arm was amplified with R1 and R2, and cloned into BamHI and NotI sites of the pFred-A construct. HCT116 cells were cultured in McCoy’s 5A Medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin/streptomycin. Using LipofectAmine (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) HCT116 cells were transfected with the two plasmids described above. Clones were selected after 3 weeks of growth under 0.4 mg/ml geneticin (Invitrogen) selection. Recombinant clones were identified by PCR screening. Primer sequences for the left and right homology arms (lowercase sequences contain restriction sites for cloning): L1: 5′-aataattagtcgacTTTTAGCAAATTGGTGACATGA-3′; L2: 5′-attatgaattcGGTCCTCAAAGTTGTCCAGAAA-3′; R1: 5′-attaattggatccCAGATAAGTTTACAGCAGCAGC-3′; and R2: 5′-ataagaattatgcggccgcTTGAAATTGGGGTGGAAGGAC-3′.

Sister Chromatid Exchange (SCE).

Cells were grown in 50 μm bromodeoxyuridine for ∼35 h (16). After bromodeoxyuridine labeling, cells were incubated with 0.1 μg/ml Colcemid for 5 h. Cells were subjected to standard 0.075 M KCl hypotonic treatment and fixation with cold methanol/glacial acetic acid (3:1). Cells were dropped onto slides and stained with 0.5 μg/ml Hoechst 33258 in PBS for 5 min. Slides were mounted in MacIlvaine’s buffer, and SCEs were assessed through standard fluorescent microscopy.

Chromosomal Instability and Micronuclei Formation.

The quantitative analysis of chromosomal instability using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis with chromosome-specific centromeric probes was performed as described previously by Lengauer et al. (17). Multiplex-FISH was performed as described previously by Speicher et al. (18). Metaphase spreads were prepared by treating cells with 0.1 μg/ml colcemid (KaryoMax; Invitrogen). Micronuclei were determined after staining cells with Hoechst 33258 as described above.

Homologous Recombination.

Site-directed homologous recombination was measured using two different constructs, which vary by an order of magnitude in their recombination frequency. The constructs tested were p53-ATG-neo (19) and pDnmt-hygro (20). Transfections and culturing conditions were performed as described above with the exception of selection for pDnmt1-hygro clones with 0.1 mg/ml hygromycin. Recombinants were identified through PCR screening.


LOH was determined through the typing of 16 diallelic markers identified previously by Weber et al. (21). Typing of single clones was performed using fluorescently labeled primers for each marker in a PCR reaction. PCR products were resolved on a SpectruMedix SCE-9610 (SpectruMedix, State College, PA).

To evaluate genomic instability in a major site of neoplasia in Bloom syndrome (12, 22), we genetically inactivated the BLM locus in the human colorectal cancer cell line HCT116 (Fig. 1 A). These epithelial cells have been shown previously to have a near-diploid karyotype and no measurable chromosomal instability (17). Knockout cells (BLM−/−) from three different clones had growth characteristics indistinguishable from parental cells (data not shown). Two of the BLM−/− clones were characterized in detail with respect to genomic instability.

It has been reported that mouse cells with a deficient BLM gene frequently show gross chromosomal rearrangements (9). To evaluate such changes in epithelial and fibroblast cells deficient in BLM, we performed multiplex-FISH karyotyping (Ref. 18; Fig. 2). Twenty-one of 24 studied metaphases of parental HCT116 cells displayed a clonal population with the characteristic karyotype of 45,X,-Y, der(10)dup(10)q24q26)t(10;16)(q26;q24), der(16)t(8;16)(q13;p13), and der(18)t(17;18)(q21;p11.3; Ref. 23). The heterozygote clone had a similarly stable karyotype (38 of 40 metaphases with characteristic karyotype) as did the two homozygote knockout clones (40 of 45 and 30 of 37 metaphases with the characteristic karyotype, respectively). These results were markedly different from those obtained after disruption of the hSecurin gene in the same cells, where only 10 of 40 cells retained the characteristic karyotype (P < 0.005; Refs. 15, 17; Fig. 2). We conclude that the prevalence of gross chromosomal rearrangements is not appreciably changed by disruption of the BLM gene in colorectal epithelial cells.

To evaluate the rate of chromosomal gains and losses in these cells, we analyzed interphase nuclei from parental, heterozygote, and homozygote cells after passage for 50 generations (17). Karyotypic losses and gains were assessed by counting the number of centromeres per nucleus for chromosomes 7, 12, 17, and X. The numbers of losses and gains were equally low for wild-type and BLM−/− homozygous knockout cells; the fraction of cells with centromere numbers different from the modal number was <5% for all of the chromosomes tested in HCT116 parental cells and for 7 of 8 chromosomes tested in two different BLM−/− knockouts clones (Table 1 A). As a positive control, we again evaluated HCT116 cells with an inactivated hSecurin gene. Almost half of the hSecurin-deficient cells (49%) exhibited centromere numbers different from the modal number (P < 10−6; Refs. 15, 17). In addition, we examined Bloom syndrome patient fibroblasts (GM08505C) together with matching control fibroblasts (GM00637H, both from the Coriell Cell Repository) for whole chromosome gains and losses. Interestingly, the percentage of cells with centromere numbers different from the mode in BLM fibroblasts was significantly higher (9%) than in control fibroblasts (2%; P < 10−6) but not as high as in cancer cells with chromosomal instability (17).

Cells were also assessed for the presence of micronuclei, implicated previously in genomic instability (11). Micronuclei levels were elevated in the BLM−/− cells compared with BLM+/+ controls. The BLM−/− clones demonstrated 5.8% and 6.5% micronuclei versus 1.2% in parental controls (P < 10−8). BLM patient fibroblasts demonstrated 11.5% micronuclei versus 4.0% control fibroblasts (P < 0.005). hSecurin−/− cells conversely displayed 13.5% and 16.5% micronuclei in two independently derived clones compared with 1.2% in parental HCT116 cells (15).

We then evaluated SCEs, the prototypical feature found in Bloom syndrome mesenchymal cells (Ref. 24; Fig. 1,B). All of the HCT116 BLM−/− clones displayed a significantly elevated number of SCEs. The knockout cells contained an average of 11 SCEs events per metaphase, compared with 5 and 4 SCEs/metaphase in BLM+/− and wild-type BLM+/+ cells, respectively (Table 1 B).

Increased levels of SCEs have been directly correlated with increased rates of targeted homologous recombination (9, 25). To test and compare rates of homologous recombination in the BLM−/− cells, we transfected them with targeting constructs for two different human genes (19, 20). The two genes chosen for these experiments had been shown previously to have targeting efficiencies that varied by 1 order of magnitude in parental HCT116 cells. Transfection of ∼2 × 107 parental cells with a DNMT1 targeting construct yielded ∼1 targeted clone per 100 geneticin-resistant clones, whereas transfection with a p53 targeting construct gave rise to ∼1 positive clone per 1100 clones tested. These frequencies were in line with earlier studies (19, 20). However, homologous recombination in the BLM−/− background was elevated for both genes by >15 fold (P < 10−5 and P < 0.0002; Table 1 C).

Increased rates of homologous recombination have been associated with LOH events in mouse tumor models (9). Also, prior work has demonstrated an elevation in LOH in single lymphoblastoid clones derived from a Bloom’s patient (26). Therefore, we sought to measure the rate of background LOH in BLM-deficient cells. The analysis was performed using 16 heterozygous diallelic markers distributed along chromosomes 2 and 3 (Table 2). These markers were typed in 95 individual BLM−/− and 190 BLM+/+ clones. Eight (8 of 95) noncontiguous LOH events were observed in the BLM−/− clones and 1 (1 of 190) in the BLM+/+ clones (P < 0.0003).

It was surprising that the major manifestations of instability we found in BLM−/− colorectal cancer epithelial cells involved only those known to be associated with increased homologous recombination. The rates of whole chromosome gains and losses were essentially unaffected, and gross cytogenetic structural abnormalities could only rarely be identified. In contrast, there was a marked increase in LOH that did not involve whole chromosomes in SCE and in targeted homologous recombination. Hyper-recombinogenic states may prove to be a major mechanism for chromosomal instability in other hereditary and sporadic cancer types. However, our data show that such increased levels of recombination do not necessarily result in elevated levels of structural and numerical chromosome changes. Data supporting the idea that hyper-recombination is responsible for promoting tumorigenesis in BLM−/− cells has been obtained in BLM mouse models (9).

Apart from the implications for the pathogenesis of Bloom syndrome, the observations reported above have practical applications. The higher rate of recombination found in human BLM−/− HCT116 cells should prove useful for creating human somatic knockouts, an otherwise time-consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive task (27). Reversible knockout of the BLM gene, using cre-lox technologies, could be applied to any suitable cell type, such as human stem cells. Our results show that BLM-deficient human cells can be karyotypically stable, thereby facilitating subsequent evaluations and applications of the engineered clones.

Grant Support: Translational Research Award from the Virginia and D. K. Ludwig Fund for Cancer Research (C. L.), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (NGFN KB P06T5 and P06T6; J. K., M. R. S.), and NIH Grant CA 43460. G. T. is the recipient of a Junior Research Fellowship from Trinity College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Requests for reprints: Christoph Lengauer, Department of Oncology, 1650 Orleans Street, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21231. E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1.

BLM−/− colorectal cancer cells. A, cell line HCT116 (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) was used to generate BLM−/− cells. Targeting was performed using the pFred two-vector targeting system described previously (15). The targeted allele results in a truncated BLM protein closely resembling those described in Bloom syndrome kindreds (1). Recombinant clones were identified by multiple PCR-based screens. P, SV40 promoter. PA, tk polyadenylation signal. Neo, neomycin resistance marker. B, metaphase spread of a BLM−/− cell showing a high number of SCEs.

Fig. 1.

BLM−/− colorectal cancer cells. A, cell line HCT116 (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) was used to generate BLM−/− cells. Targeting was performed using the pFred two-vector targeting system described previously (15). The targeted allele results in a truncated BLM protein closely resembling those described in Bloom syndrome kindreds (1). Recombinant clones were identified by multiple PCR-based screens. P, SV40 promoter. PA, tk polyadenylation signal. Neo, neomycin resistance marker. B, metaphase spread of a BLM−/− cell showing a high number of SCEs.

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Fig. 2.

Multiplex-FISH analysis of BLM−/− cells. Pictographic representation of Multiplex-FISH (M-FISH) data. Each cell line (HCT116 and derivatives including a chromosomally unstable hSecurin−/− cell line) was painted by M-FISH and analyzed for alterations of chromosome structure and number. Partial as well as whole chromosomal gains and losses are depicted by green and red boxes, respectively. Numbers within boxes denote in how many metaphases such chromosomal abnormalities occurred. ∗ indicates that in addition to a loss of chromosome 22 in 11 metaphases, 1 metaphase showed a gain of this chromosome.

Fig. 2.

Multiplex-FISH analysis of BLM−/− cells. Pictographic representation of Multiplex-FISH (M-FISH) data. Each cell line (HCT116 and derivatives including a chromosomally unstable hSecurin−/− cell line) was painted by M-FISH and analyzed for alterations of chromosome structure and number. Partial as well as whole chromosomal gains and losses are depicted by green and red boxes, respectively. Numbers within boxes denote in how many metaphases such chromosomal abnormalities occurred. ∗ indicates that in addition to a loss of chromosome 22 in 11 metaphases, 1 metaphase showed a gain of this chromosome.

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Table 1

Analysis of BLM−/− cells

A. Centromere losses and gains
CellsChromosomeaAverage % cells off the modeb
Blm+/+ 99 98 96 98 
Blm−/− 96 94 96 98 
Blm−/− 98 95 96 98 
BLM fibroblasts 91 92 93 86 
Control fibroblasts 99 98 99 98 
HT29c 49 53 45 58 49 
Securin−/−d 76 70 74 68 28 
A. Centromere losses and gains
CellsChromosomeaAverage % cells off the modeb
Blm+/+ 99 98 96 98 
Blm−/− 96 94 96 98 
Blm−/− 98 95 96 98 
BLM fibroblasts 91 92 93 86 
Control fibroblasts 99 98 99 98 
HT29c 49 53 45 58 49 
Securin−/−d 76 70 74 68 28 
B. Sister chromatid exchange
GenotypeEventsMetaphases analyzedRange (per metaphase)Average number of events per metaphase
Blm+/+ 145 34 0–10 4.26 
Blm+/+ 129 30 0–8 4.30 
Blm+/− 156 30 0–10 5.20 
Blm−/− 347 34 2–22 10.21 
Blm−/− 379 34 5–25 11.15 
B. Sister chromatid exchange
GenotypeEventsMetaphases analyzedRange (per metaphase)Average number of events per metaphase
Blm+/+ 145 34 0–10 4.26 
Blm+/+ 129 30 0–8 4.30 
Blm+/− 156 30 0–10 5.20 
Blm−/− 347 34 2–22 10.21 
Blm−/− 379 34 5–25 11.15 
C. Targeted homologous recombination
ConstructBlm+/+Blm−/−Fold increase
Dnmt1-hyg 1/190 12/106 21.5 
p53-ATG-neo 1/1141 8/527 17.3 
C. Targeted homologous recombination
ConstructBlm+/+Blm−/−Fold increase
Dnmt1-hyg 1/190 12/106 21.5 
p53-ATG-neo 1/1141 8/527 17.3 

Percentage of cells showing the number of signals that correspond to the modal number of the specific chromosome.


200 cells were analyzed per chromosome specific centromeric probe.


Ref. 17.


Ref. 15.

Table 2

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis in BLM−/− cells

Ninety five BLM−/− and 190 BLM+/+ single clones were isolated through limiting dilution. Sixteen heterozygous diallelic markers were identified from the panel established by Weber et al. (21). Allelic status was determined through fluorescent-primer based PCR. LOH events are defined as events that result in a reduction to homozygosity. A total of eight noncontiguous LOH events were observed in 95 BLM−/− cells as compared with only 1 event out of 190 BLM+/+ clones. Note: clone 59 displayed LOH at seven contiguous loci on chromosome 3. Clone 87 displayed two LOH events on chromosome 2 with an intervening marker which was heterozygote, suggesting two independent nonhomologous recombination events.

Diallelic marker (MID)ChromosomePosition (mb)BLM−/− (95)BLM+/+ (190)
Number of LOH eventsClone IDNumber of LOH eventsClone ID
15 43.3     
499 69.9 80   
16 86.3     
1450 106.7     
1469 148.4 53, 78, 87   
2014 196.9 61   
296 201.1 87 22 
1559 238.1     
1402 76.8     
2127 77.8 59, 62   
42 97.1 59   
1687 123.0 59   
1563 127.5 59   
1100 131.6 59   
2063 204.9 59   
1448 210.2 59   
Diallelic marker (MID)ChromosomePosition (mb)BLM−/− (95)BLM+/+ (190)
Number of LOH eventsClone IDNumber of LOH eventsClone ID
15 43.3     
499 69.9 80   
16 86.3     
1450 106.7     
1469 148.4 53, 78, 87   
2014 196.9 61   
296 201.1 87 22 
1559 238.1     
1402 76.8     
2127 77.8 59, 62   
42 97.1 59   
1687 123.0 59   
1563 127.5 59   
1100 131.6 59   
2063 204.9 59   
1448 210.2 59   

We thank Leslie Meszler from the Cell Imaging Core Facility for help with imaging. We also thank Kurt Bachman and Harith Rajagopalan for helpful discussion and technical assistance.

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