Gains of a single chromosome are frequent cytogenetic findings in human cancer, but no molecular rearrangement has been consistently associated with any trisomy. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), trisomy 11 (+11) occurring as a sole abnormality is the third most common trisomy. We have shown that the ALL1 gene, located at 11q23, can be rearranged as a result of a partial tandem duplication in two such cases of AML. To test the hypothesis that the partial tandem duplication of ALL1 is the recurrent molecular defect in cases of AML presenting with +11 as a sole cytogenetic abnormality, we performed Southern analysis and PCR for defects of ALL1 in 17 cases of AML and one case of myelodysplastic syndrome with +11 or +11q but without cytogenetic evidence of a structural abnormality involving 11q23. Twelve cases (67%) had rearrangement of ALL1, including 10 of 11 patients (91%) with +11 as a sole abnormality and 2 of 7 cases (29%) with +11 and other aberrations; all were classified as FAB M1 or M2. In 10 of the 12 cases, material was available for additional characterization; a partial tandem duplication of ALL1 was detected in each of these 10 cases (100%). Four cases demonstrated previously unreported duplications, two of which were detectable only by reverse transcription-PCR. Four patients with the ALL1 duplication also displayed a loss of material from 7q, suggesting an association between these two findings. We conclude that the partial tandem duplication of ALL1 is present in most, if not all, cases of AML with +11 as a sole abnormality, and can be found in cases of AML with +11 or +11q accompanied by other cytogenetic abnormalities. The duplication is more prevalent in AML than was recognized previously in part because its size and location vary considerably, requiring a variety of molecular probes for detection. Our finding of the ALL1 duplication as a consistent defect in patients with +11 represents the first identification of a specific gene rearrangement associated with recurrent trisomy in human cancer.
Supported by Grants CA-37027, CA-65670, and CA-57974, a Translational Research Grant from the Leukemia Society of America, Outstanding Investigator Grant CA-39860 from the National Cancer Institute, the Lady Tata Memorial Trust Fund, and the Coleman Leukemia Research Fund. Cancer and Leukemia Group B patients studied in this report came from the University of Maryland Cancer Center (Baltimore, MD; Grant CA31983), Duke University (Durham, NC; Grant CA47577), Bowman Gray School of Medicine (Winston-Salem, NC; Grant CA03927), State University of New York Health Sciences Center at Syracuse (Syracuse, NY; Grant CA21060), and the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC; Grant CA47559).