We examined the genomic status of cyclin-dependent kinase-4 and -6 inhibitors, p16INK4, p15INK4B, and p18, in 40 primary lung cancers and 31 metastatic lung cancers. Alterations of the p16INK4 gene were detected in 6 (2 insertions and 4 homozygous deletions) of 22 metastatic non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs; 27%), but none were detected in 25 primary NSCLCs, 15 primary small cell lung cancers (SCLCs), or 9 metastatic SCLCs, indicating that mutation in the p16INK4 gene is a late event in NSCLC carcinogenesis. Although three intragenic mutations of the p15INK4B gene were detected in 25 primary NSCLCs (12%) and five homozygous deletions of the p15INK4B gene were detected in 22 NSCLCs (23%), no genetic alterations of the p15INK4B gene were found in primary and metastatic SCLCs. The p18 gene was wild type in these 71 lung cancers, except 1 metastatic NSCLC which showed loss of heterozygosity. We also examined alterations of these three genes and expression of p16INK4 in 21 human lung cancer cell lines. Alterations of the p16INK4 and p15INK4B genes were detected in 71% of the NSCLC cell lines (n = 14) and 50% of the NSCLC cell lines (n = 14), respectively, but there were none in the 7 SCLC cell lines studied. No p18 mutations were detected in these 21 cell lines. These results indicate that both p16INK4 and p15INK4B gene mutations are associated with tumor progression of a subset of NSCLC, but not of SCLC, and that p15INK4B mutations might also be an early event in the molecular pathogenesis of a subset of NSCLC.


This work was supported in part by a grant from the Japanese Overseas Cancer Fellowship of the Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research (to A. O.).

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