Recently, a novel Mr 100,000 prostate-specific membrane glycoprotein (PSM) has been detected by the prostate-specific monoclonal antibody 7E11-C5, raised against the human prostatic carcinoma cell line LNCaP. The PSM antigen is expressed exclusively by normal and neoplastic prostate cells and metastases. We now report the molecular cloning of a full-length 2.65-kilobase complementary DNA encoding the PSM antigen from a human LNCaP complementary DNA library by polymerase chain reaction using degenerate oligonucleotide primers. Analysis of the complementary DNA sequence has revealed that a portion of the coding region, from nucleotide 1250 to 1700, has 54% homology to the human transferrin receptor mRNA. The deduced polypeptide has a putative transmembrane domain enabling the delineation of intra- and extracellular portions of this antigen. In contrast to prostate-specific antigen and prostatic acid phosphatase which are secreted proteins, PSM as an integral membrane protein may prove to be effective as a target for imaging and cytotoxic targeting modalities.
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The MSKCC Microchemistry Core Facility is supported in part by NIH Grant P30-CA-08748. R. S. I. receives partial support from NIH Training Grant CA-09501-07. Genback Accession Number M99487. PSM, Homo sapiens, 2653 base pairs.