Various strategies to improve the therapeutic index of anticancer agents aim at inducing, by stimulation of aerobic glycolysis, temporary pH differences between malignant and normal tissues which can be exploited to activate cytotoxic agents selectively in tumors. We have investigated whether the pH reduction induced by glucose, the “drug” commonly used to increase lactic acid production in malignant tissues, can be augmented by pharmacological manipulation of tumor cell glycolysis. At normal plasma glucose concentration (6 ± 1 mm), inorganic phosphate, a modifier of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activity, had no effect on pH in two transplanted rat tumors and a human tumor xenograft line (average pH, 6.80; range, 6.65–6.95). When plasma glucose concentration was raised to 30 ± 3 mm by i.v. infusion of glucose, inorganic phosphate reduced the pH in those tumors which exhibited only a moderate pH response to glucose per se (mean pH, 6.60) to an average value of 6.20 (range, 6.05–6.35). In the same setting, insulin, continuously infused at dose rates up to 600 milliunits/kg body weight/min, did not result in acidification of tumor tissue exceeding that induced by glucose alone. However, the H+ ion activity in both transplanted rat tumors and human tumor xenografts was increased by m-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration. For example, at normoglycemia, MIBG reduced the mean pH in a human mesothelioma xenograft from 6.90 to 6.70. This pH value was further reduced to 6.20 by simultaneous low-dose i.v. glucose infusion (plasma glucose concentration, 14 ± 3 mm). The acidosis induced by inorganic phosphate and MIBG was tumor specific. Normal tissues of tumor-bearing hosts were only marginally sensitive to hyperphosphatemia or MIBG administration. These results indicate that the known stimulatory effect of exogenous glucose on lactic acid production in malignant tumors in vivo can be further accentuated or, as in the case of MIBG, partially replaced by pharmacological manipulation of aerobic glycolysis using clinically established drugs.
Supported by Dr. Mildred Scheel Stiftung für Krebsforschung (Grant W 15/88 Ra 3) and the Dutch Cancer Foundation (Contract NK1-91-14).