Twenty-five human bladder tumors were examined for loss of heterozygosity of markers on chromosomes 6p, 9q, 11p, 14q, and 17p. These studies show that all of the markers were reduced to homozygosity in at least some of the tumors. They also confirmed earlier studies by Fearon et al. [Nature (Lond.), 318: 377–380, 1985] that approximately 40% of bladder tumors were reduced to homozygosity for markers on chromosome 11p. However, the greatest frequency of allelic loss was seen for chromosomes 9q (67% of informative cases) and 17p (63% of informative cases) with both chromosomes being lost concordantly in 10 out of 20 informative tumors. Allelic loss of chromosome 9q has not been previously observed with other human cancers; however, deletions of 17p have been reported in breast, lung, and colorectal carcinomas. The data raise the interesting possibility that allelic losses of specific chromosomes might be a feature of cancer in a particular differentiated cell type whereas loss of other chromosomes harboring more generally acting tumor suppressor genes might be a common feature of human cancers.
This work was supported by an Outstanding Investigator Grant from the National Cancer Institute to P. A. J. (R35 CA49758) and a research grant from the Cancer Research Society, Redlands Branch.