A glycoprotein was selectively enriched in the supernatant (Fraction b) obtained by alcohol and trichloroacetic acid fractionation of digitonin extracts from blood of patients with neoplastic diseases and of control subjects. Subsequent chromatography with concanavalin A:Sepharose separated a concanavalin A-reactive fraction from a concanavalin A-nonreactive one. In sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, the fractions from both malignant origin as well as control subjects appeared as single bands showing the same mobility. They were identical with the band obtained from commercial α1-acid glycoprotein.

In Fraction b of malignant origin, greatly increased amounts of the α1-acid glycoprotein from malignant cases (AGPM) were found as compared to α1-acid glycoprotein from controls (AGPC). Furthermore, AGPC had a higher glycine content than did AGPM. The electrofocusing pattern of AGPM showed additional bands between pH 3.7 and 4.4, whereas AGPC and commercial α1-acid glycoprotein focused between pH 3.2 and 3.8. In contrast to AGPC and to a commercial α1-acid glycoprotein, AGPM is characterized by a chromophoric group with maximal absorbance at 400 nm. It could be detached by treatment with 6 m guanidine hydrochloride, thus indicating a noncovalent binding. The spectral data of the separated chromophore at pH 0.5 agreed with that of a 6,7-substituted pteridine. After detachment with reducing agents, a pteridine in its 7,8-dihydro form was indicated by spectral analysis.


This investigation was supported by Grant Zi 153/2 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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