The effects of feeding p-methoxyphenol, benzyl isothiocyanate, coumarin, α-angelicalactone, 2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole, and 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole on the glutathione S-transferase activity and sulfhydryl levels of esophagus and small bowel mucosa of ICR/Ha mice have been investigated. p-Methoxyphenol, benzyl isothiocyanate, coumarin, and 2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole increased glutathione S-transferase activity of the esophagus by 68 to 135%, α-angelicalactone was less effective, and 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole had only a small enhancing capacity. All six compounds increased the sulfhydryl levels of the esophagus. The ranking order and magnitude of the enhancing effects of the six compounds on glutathione S-transferase activity are similar for esophagus and forestomach (previously published) but differ from that of the small bowel mucosa. Since esophageal cancer is an important cause of cancer deaths in many parts of the world, information as to factors which can enhance protective systems of this organ may be of value.


Supported by USPHS Grants CA-14146 and CA-09599 from the National Cancer Institute.

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