This workshop was held at the Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Universität Essen (Essen, Federal Republic of Germany), November 30 to December 1, 1981. It was organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, Lyon, France) in collaboration with the Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), (Universität Essen), and was partly sponsored by the International Programme on Chemical Safety, WHO (Geneva, Switzerland). The organizers of the Workshop were R. Montesano (IARC) and M. F. Rajewsky (Essen). E. Miller (McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, Medical Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.) acted as Chairperson, and A. E. Pegg (The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, Pa.) and R. Saracci (IARC) acted as Rapporteurs. The participants were: J. Adamkiewicz, Institut für Zellbiologie, Essen; H. Bartsch, IARC; J. M. Boyle, Paterson Laboratories, Christie Hospital and Holt Radium Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom; H. M. Draper, WHO; L. Ehrenberg, Wallenberg Laboratory, Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, Sweden; C. Harris, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Md.; K. Hemminki, Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland; D. Henschler, Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germany; V. Judin, Institute on Problems of Oncology, Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; H. Kawamitsu, National Cancer Research Center, Tokyo, Japan; E. Kriek, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; M. Leng, Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Orléans, France; P. H. M. Lohman, Medical Biological Laboratory TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands; N. Muñoz, IARC; P. Nehls, Institut fur Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen; F. Perera, Cancer Center, Institute of Cancer Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.; M. C. Poirier, National Cancer Institute, NIH; R. Preussmann, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany; P. Shubik, Green College, Radcliffe Infirmary, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; P. Sizaret, IARC; J. C. van der Laken, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; G. N. Wogan, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.; and S. H. Yuspa, National Cancer Institute, NIH.
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December 01 1982
Development and Possible Use of Immunological Techniques to Detect Individual Exposure to Carcinogens: International Agency for Research on Cancer/International Programme on Chemical Safety Working Group Report1
M. F. Rajewsky;
M. F. Rajewsky
, Federal Republic of Germany
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A. E. Pegg;
A. E. Pegg
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Pennsylvania State University
Hershey, Pa.
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E. Miller
E. Miller
McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin Medical Center
Madison, Wis.
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To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 Cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France.
March 01 1982
September 09 1982
Online ISSN: 1538-7445
Print ISSN: 0008-5472
©1982 American Association for Cancer Research.
Cancer Research, Inc.
Cancer Res (1982) 42 (12): 5236–5239.
Article history
March 01 1982
September 09 1982
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A correction has been published:
Development and Possible Use of Immunological Techniques to Detect Individual Exposure to Carcinogens
R. Montesano, M. F. Rajewsky, A. E. Pegg, E. Miller; Development and Possible Use of Immunological Techniques to Detect Individual Exposure to Carcinogens: International Agency for Research on Cancer/International Programme on Chemical Safety Working Group Report1. Cancer Res 1 December 1982; 42 (12): 5236–5239.
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