Various degrees of cellular atypia were induced in the bronchial epithelium of dogs by means of repeated submucous 20-methylcholanthrene injections. Thereafter, the 20-methylcholanthrene treatment was stopped, and the outcome of the bronchial cell atypias in individual dogs was studied using cytomorphological and cytochemical methods. The results suggest that the various degrees of 20-methylcholanthrene-induced cellular atypias, including those cytologically interpreted as malignant, may reflect reversible cellular alterations which disappear after removal of the carcinogen. Similar observations were made in a group of cigarette smokers who, after malignant-appearing cells were observed in the sputum material, stopped smoking or significantly reduced their cigarette consumption.


This work was supported by the Swedish Cancer Society, the Japan Tobacco Monopoly Corporation, and the Tokyo Medical College Cancer Center.

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