7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene modified the response of the accessory reproductive organs of immature male and female rats to human chorionic gonadotropin. Animals receiving DMBA1 failed to gain weight, and it was shown that this failure impaired the response to the larger dose of HCG.

No abnormality could be detected histologically in the heavily luteinized ovaries of rats primed with pregnant mares' serum and HCG, then treated with DMBA. There was no difference in ascorbic acid content between these ovaries and those of control rats.

It is concluded that DMBA has no direct action on the endocrine function of the gonads.


The following abbreviations are used: DMBA, 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene; HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; PMS, pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin.

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