1. Induction of hepatoma in rats by use of the carcinogenic azo dye, 3′-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene, was accompanied during the last few weeks, the period of formation of discrete tumors, by a reduction in ethanolamine output.

  2. During the first 9 or 10 weeks of hepatoma induction, the pretumor period, sporadic sharp increases in ethanolamine output were occasionally observed. This phenomenon was manifest only in the rats receiving the carcinogen and was not consistently observed in any given member of the group.

  3. The lowered ethanolamine output of the hypophysectomized rat, as compared with that of the intact rat of comparable body weight, is partly, but not entirely, attributable to the reduced food consumption of the former.


This study was carried out under support from the National Cancer Institute, United States Public Health Service, Grant C-2341.

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