The article on pan PI3K inhibitor prodrug for cancer therapy in the January 1, 2008 issue of Cancer Research (1) should have included the following conflict of interest statement: D.L. Durden would like to disclose a financial interest in Semafore Pharmaceuticals. The terms of the arrangement have been reviewed and approved by Emory University in accordance with the conflict of interest policies.
Garlich JR, De P, Dey N, Su JD, Peng X, Miller A, Murali R, Lu Y, Mills GB, Kundra V, Shu H-K, Peng Q, Durden DL. A vascular targeted pan phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitor prodrug, SF1126, with antitumor and antiangiogenic activity.
Cancer Res
; 68
: 206
–15.©2008 American Association for Cancer Research.