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1 April 2012
Cover Image
Cover Image
The cover features a micropictogram (80X magnification) of H & E staining of a paraffin-embedded liver section of a mouse that received metformin to reduce or prevent hepatocellular carcinogenesis. Metformin (given as 250 mg/kg of body weight in chow) inhibited hepatocellular carcinogenesis induced by the liver-specific carcinogen diethylnitrosamine (DEN) in C57BL/6J mice. Mice injected with DEN at 2 weeks of age were put on metformin or control chow after weaning. At 24 or 36 weeks post-DEN treatment, livertumor multiplicity and size were reduced significantly in metformin-fed versus control-fed mice. Representative H & E sections indicate that the pathology of tumors in metformin-fed (featured on the cover) and controlfed mice (not shown) were similar, despite the decrease in tumor formation. In the cover image, the prominent oval shape at the bottom is a blood vessel in the portal tract (with additional vascular spaces below it). Just above and left of this vessel, a hepatocellular tumor appears as a circular cluster of larger cells with enlarged nuclei and somewhat more basophilic cytoplasm. See articles by Bhalla et al. (beginning on page 544) and by Pollak and Gonzalez-Angulo (beginning on page 500) for more information. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 1940-6207
EISSN 1940-6215
From the Editor
Research Articles
Microsatellite Instability and DNA Mismatch Repair Protein Deficiency in Lynch Syndrome Colorectal Polyps
Matthew B. Yurgelun; Ajay Goel; Jason L. Hornick; Ananda Sen; Danielle Kim Turgeon; Mack T. Ruffin, IV; Norman E. Marcon; John A. Baron; Robert S. Bresalier; Sapna Syngal; Dean E. Brenner; C. Richard Boland; Elena M. Stoffel
A Phase 2 Cancer Chemoprevention Biomarker Trial of Isoflavone G-2535 (Genistein) in Presurgical Bladder Cancer Patients
Edward Messing; Jason R. Gee; Daniel R. Saltzstein; KyungMann Kim; Anthony diSant'Agnese; Jill Kolesar; Linda Harris; Adrienne Faerber; Thomas Havighurst; Jay M. Young; Mitchell Efros; Robert H. Getzenberg; Marcia A. Wheeler; Joseph Tangrea; Howard Parnes; Margaret House; J. Erik Busby; Raymond Hohl; Howard Bailey
Celastrol Suppresses Growth and Induces Apoptosis of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma through the Modulation of STAT3/JAK2 Signaling Cascade In Vitro and In Vivo
Peramaiyan Rajendran; Feng Li; Muthu K. Shanmugam; Radhamani Kannaiyan; Jen Nee Goh; Kwong Fai Wong; Wei Wang; Ester Khin; Vinay Tergaonkar; Alan Prem Kumar; John M. Luk; Gautam Sethi
Increased Plasma Levels of the APC-Interacting Protein MAPRE1, LRG1, and IGFBP2 Preceding a Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer in Women
Jon J. Ladd; Tina Busald; Melissa M. Johnson; Qing Zhang; Sharon J. Pitteri; Hong Wang; Dean E. Brenner; Paul D. Lampe; Raju Kucherlapati; Ziding Feng; Ross L. Prentice; Samir M. Hanash
A Hexane Fraction of American Ginseng Suppresses Mouse Colitis and Associated Colon Cancer: Anti-inflammatory and Proapoptotic Mechanisms
Deepak Poudyal; Phuong Mai Le; Tia Davis; Anne B. Hofseth; Alena Chumanevich; Alexander A. Chumanevich; Michael J. Wargovich; Mitzi Nagarkatti; Prakash S. Nagarkatti; Anthony Windust; Lorne J. Hofseth
Letters to the Editor
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