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Highlights from the Literature

Research Brief

Understanding the association of accelerated aging and colorectal PNPs presents an opportunity to develop a risk-stratified approach to colorectal cancer screening in young persons.

Research Articles

Recognizing metabolic dysfunction as a significant risk factor for ORCs underscores the importance of preventive measures targeting metabolic health improvement across all BMI categories.

Although our findings suggest that alcohol drinking does not modify the PRS-based genetic risk of breast cancer among White and Black women with lower alcohol intake, nevertheless, women should consider limiting alcohol consumption as a general cancer prevention strategy, as indicated in dietary guidelines.

The German Consortium for Hereditary Breast Cancer recommends annual breast imaging for women if their 10-year breast cancer risk is 5% or higher. Women who initially do not meet this risk threshold may do so later. We propose a simple method to determine future risks based on initial risk assessments.

Our findings suggest that COX-2 expression and combined scores of COX-2, TRPM7, and BAX hold promise for predicting the risk of metachronous polyps and could potentially serve as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of chemopreventive agents in preventing colorectal cancer during intervention trials.

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