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Highlights from the Literature



Research Briefs

Saliva and serum miR-21, miR-136, miR-3928, and miR-29B, are potentially associated with oral cancer even at an early stage, especially miR-21 in individuals with a smoking history, a further validation in a larger cohort of subjects with premalignant and early malignant lesions need to confirm.

Among women with high-risk breast lesions, mean absolute risk of breast cancer was higher compared with cardiovascular disease; however, statin use was significantly higher than chemoprevention. To address underutilization of breast cancer chemoprevention, these drugs should be placed in the context of medications used to prevent other chronic diseases.

Research Articles

Immune checkpoint inhibitors have shown promising results in multiple tumor species. However, there is currently no clinical application to evaluate their therapeutic value in cancer preventive treatment. Prophylactic use of immune checkpoint inhibitors in the early stages of ESCC may provide long-term benefits to patients.

We found that hrHPV vaginal self-sampling is comparable with hrHPV clinician cervical sampling when using any triage strategy to refer women to colposcopy, so self-sampling is a viable cervical screening method. Therefore, policymakers should consider incorporating self-sampling into cervical screening programs to increase screening coverage and reduce cervical cancer burden.

Enhancing cervical cancer knowledge among women who have screened for cervical cancer is key to empowering these women to engage in cervical cancer prevention advocacy and acting as change agents for encouraging other women to screen.

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