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1 October 2020
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Three studies in this issue investigate biomarker modification by aspirin, use of which has been shown to be effective for preventing some cancers. First, in a study beginning on page 853, Hurwitz and colleagues found that aspirin users were more likely to have low levels of FoxP3, a T regulatory cell marker, suggesting that aspirin may alter the immune milieu of the prostate and lower risk of advanced/fatal prostate cancer. Second, in a study beginning on page 863, Barry and colleagues discovered three aspirin-associated metabolic features that might contribute to lower risk of adenoma and colorectal cancer. Last, in a randomized trial beginning on page 877, Drew and colleagues found that aspirin significantly reduced elevated levels of PGE-M in those at increased colorectal cancer risk to levels consistent with lower risk for recurrent neoplasia, suggesting that PGE-M could be used as a precision chemoprevention biomarker. Results from these studies provide evidence to further understand the cancer preventive function of aspirin and to develop precision prevention approaches. The cover image depicts aspirin pills and structure. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
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ISSN 1940-6207
EISSN 1940-6215
Issue Sections
Research Articles
Multi-omics Analysis Reveals Adipose–tumor Crosstalk in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
Andreana N. Holowatyj; Mariam Haffa; Tengda Lin; Dominique Scherer; Biljana Gigic; Jennifer Ose; Christy A. Warby; Caroline Himbert; Clare Abbenhardt-Martin; David Achaintre; Juergen Boehm; Kenneth M. Boucher; Audrey Gicquiau; Andrea Gsur; Nina Habermann; Esther Herpel; Hans-Ulrich Kauczor; Pekka Keski-Rahkonen; Matthias Kloor; Magnus von Knebel-Doeberitz; Dieuwertje E. Kok; Johanna Nattenmüller; Peter Schirmacher; Martin Schneider; Petra Schrotz-King; Thomas Simon; Per M. Ueland; Richard Viskochil; Matty P. Weijenberg; Augustin Scalbert; Alexis Ulrich; Laura W. Bowers; Stephen D. Hursting; Cornelia M. Ulrich
A Pooled Analysis to Compare the Clinical Characteristics of Human Papillomavirus–positive and -Negative Cervical Precancers
Philip E. Castle; Amanda J. Pierz; Rachael Adcock; Shagufta Aslam; Partha S. Basu; Jerome L. Belinson; Jack Cuzick; Mariam El-Zein; Catterina Ferreccio; Cynthia Firnhaber; Eduardo L. Franco; Patti E. Gravitt; Sandra D. Isidean; John Lin; Salaheddin M. Mahmud; Joseph Monsonego; Richard Muwonge; Samuel Ratnam; Mahboobeh Safaeian; Mark Schiffman; Jennifer S. Smith; Avril Swarts; Thomas C. Wright; Vanessa Van De Wyngard; Long Fu Xi
Use of Aspirin and Statins in Relation to Inflammation in Benign Prostate Tissue in the Placebo Arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial
Lauren M. Hurwitz; Ibrahim Kulac; Berrak Gumuskaya; Javier A. Baena Del Valle; Ines Benedetti; Fan Pan; Jun O. Liu; Michael T. Marrone; Kathryn B. Arnold; Phyllis J. Goodman; Catherine M. Tangen; M. Scott Lucia; Ian M. Thompson; Charles G. Drake; William B. Isaacs; William G. Nelson; Angelo M. De Marzo; Elizabeth A. Platz
Effect of Low-dose and Standard-dose Aspirin on PGE2 Biosynthesis Among Individuals with Colorectal Adenomas: A Randomized Clinical Trial
David A. Drew; Madeline M. Schuck; Marina V. Magicheva-Gupta; Kathleen O. Stewart; Katherine K. Gilpin; Patrick Miller; Melanie P. Parziale; Emily N. Pond; Oliver Takacsi-Nagy; Dylan C. Zerjav; Samantha M. Chin; Jennifer Mackinnon Krems; Dana Meixell; Amit D. Joshi; Wenjie Ma; Francis P. Colizzo; Peter J. Carolan; Norman S. Nishioka; Kyle Staller; James M. Richter; Hamed Khalili; Manish K. Gala; John J. Garber; Daniel C. Chung; Joseph C. Yarze; Lawrence Zukerberg; Giovanna Petrucci; Bianca Rocca; Carlo Patrono; Ginger L. Milne; Molin Wang; Andrew T. Chan
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