Chemoprevention research in the Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) was re-structured in 2011 creating the PREVENT Cancer Preclinical Drug Development Program. This Program provides for peer-review of proposals from the general research community for development of small molecules or biologicals, including vaccines, for cancer prevention or biomarkers to facilitate clinical evaluation of prevention strategies. The process for applying to the Prevent Program is described at: http://prevention.cancer.gov/programs-resources/programs/prevent. Applications are submitted twice yearly and reviewed by a panel of experts from the extramural community and NIH Scientists outside DCP and scored for scientific merit, feasibility, etc. Top scoring applications undergo secondary review and prioritization by a panel of DCP and other NIH scientists. Applications with potential for near-term clinical translation are given highest priority. Approved projects are implemented as Task Orders via a system of contracts with academic and nonprofit, independent research institutions that provide the full range of preclinical studies, including good laboratory practice toxicology, needed to support Investigational New Drug Applications. Twenty-five Task Orders addressing a range of intervention strategies have been awarded in the first two years of the Program. Small molecules targeting classic aspects of inflammation as well as newer molecular-targeted agents (n=16) are under study. Pharmacodynamic assays are coupled to efficacy studies. Immunoprevention strategies targeting tumor-associated antigens as well as antigens from cancer-associated infectious agents (n=6) are being pursued. Preliminary data from current projects will be presented. The PREVENT Cancer Program has engaged a broad cross-section of investigators, supporting preclinical development of agents addressing a wide variety of cancer prevention strategies.
Citation Format: Robert H. Shoemaker, Barbara K. Dunn, Chen Suen, Dan L. Boring, Brian D. Klein, Mark S. Miller, Vernon E. Steele. Current intervention strategies in the NCI PREVENT Cancer Preclinical Drug Development Program. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research; 2014 Sep 27-Oct 1; New Orleans, LA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Can Prev Res 2015;8(10 Suppl): Abstract nr B54.