Background: Recurrence is highly seen in craniopharyngiomas. Due to their close proximity to the vital structures, gross-total resection, which is thought to be the major determinant of the recurrence, is not always possible for craniopharyngiomas. So, post-operative long-term effective therapy approaches are needed to prevent the recurrence. Besides, our recent studies showed that there is a positive correlation between the recurrence and angiogenic potential of craniopharyngioma through over activation of PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) signaling pathway.
Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the inhibitory potential of local, long-term delivery of imatinib mesylate (PDGFR-B blocker) on recurrence of adult craniopharyngiomas via PLGA-type biodegradable microspheres.
Methods: Imatinib mesylate containing PLGA polymers composed of different lactic/glycolic acid concentrations, molecular weights and drug compositions were synthesized by modified double emulsion/solvent evaporation technique. After in vitro characterization of protein holding, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency and drug release kinetics, inhibitory potential of microspheres on neovascularization was tested on craniopharyngioma tumor samples implanted in rat cornea.
Results: Imatinib containing PLGA microspheres in different LA:GA ratios (LA:GA, 50:50 (M38); 75:25(M70); 85:15(M71)) considerably reduced the neovascularization induced by recurrent tumor samples in an in vivo rat cornea angiogenesis model, p<0,01.
Conclusion: Long-term, local delivery of imatinib mesylate to the post-surgical tumoral cavity using biodegradable microspheres is promising approach to prevent the recurrence of craniopharyngiomas.
Citation Information: Cancer Prev Res 2011;4(10 Suppl):B48.