In this study we report the effects of a standardized pomegranate extract (PE), as well as individual phytochemicals derived from pomegranate, on the growth of an aggressive, fast‐growing mammary tumor cell line derived from the MMTV‐Wnt‐1 mouse (designated A4). PE caused a concentration‐ and time‐ependent decrease in A4 cell proliferation (IC50 of approximately 25 microg/ml culture medium). PE also caused a concentration‐dependent increase in cell death, with an IC50 of 50 microg/ml culture medium. PE caused an increase in caspase‐3 activity in a concentration‐ and time‐dependent manner. We also examined the effect of individual phytochemicals present in PE. Ellagic acid, luteolin, and ursolic acid inhibited the proliferation of A4 cells and induced cell death, but caffeic acid had no effect. These results indicate that PE and pomegranate phytochemicals inhibit the growth and are cytotoxic to MMTV‐Wnt‐1 mammary tumor cells. PE may therefore be natural and safe chemopreventive agent against breast cancer.

Citation Information: Cancer Prev Res 2010;3(1 Suppl):B77.