Evolution of esophageal cancer (by Reid via Cancer Prevention Research)
A reconstruction of the genetic perturbations that arise as cells transition from normal to malignant could help guide screening and early intervention of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Chang et al. have conducted extensive genomic and transcriptomic analysis of 1,275 biopsies collected from normal, precancerous, and malignant esophageal tissue in 28 individuals, uncovering patterns of clonal evolution that unfold as ESCC emerges. Individual mutations in the TP53 tumor suppressor gene are commonly seen, with the frequency increasing as the disease progresses. However, loss of heterozygosity at this locus appears to be a critical step in transformation to a premalignant state. This leads to the accumulation of gene copy number alterations and disrupted regulation of cell division and apoptosis, fueling progression to full-blown ESCC.
Chang J, … Wu C. Cancer Cell. 2023 Dec 11;41(12):2038-2050.e5.
Colorectal cancer (by NTB scanpix...