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1 April 2014
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Fernandez-Cuesta and colleagues identified recurrent fusions between CD74 and the exons encoding the EGF-like domain of the neuron-specific neuregulin 1 (NRG1) III-β3 isoform in invasive mucinous lung adenocarcinomas that lack common kinase driver mutations. The CD74–NRG1 fusion generates a membrane-bound protein that exposes the EGF-like domain of NRG1 on the extracellular surface, which creates a ligand for ERBB2–ERBB3 heterodimers and promotes oncogenic transformation by activating the PI3K–AKT pathway downstream of ERBB3. These findings implicate CD74–NRG1 as an oncogenic driver in lung adenocarcinomas and suggest that the ERBB3–PI3K–AKT pathway may be a therapeutic target in the invasive mucinous subtype, which currently lacks effective treatments. For details, please see the article by Fernandez-Cuesta and colleagues on page 415. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 2159-8274
EISSN 2159-8290
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Research Briefs
CD74–NRG1 Fusions in Lung Adenocarcinoma
Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta; Dennis Plenker; Hirotaka Osada; Ruping Sun; Roopika Menon; Frauke Leenders; Sandra Ortiz-Cuaran; Martin Peifer; Marc Bos; Juliane Daßler; Florian Malchers; Jakob Schöttle; Wenzel Vogel; Ilona Dahmen; Mirjam Koker; Roland T. Ullrich; Gavin M. Wright; Prudence A. Russell; Zoe Wainer; Benjamin Solomon; Elisabeth Brambilla; Hélène Nagy-Mignotte; Denis Moro-Sibilot; Christian G. Brambilla; Sylvie Lantuejoul; Janine Altmüller; Christian Becker; Peter Nürnberg; Johannes M. Heuckmann; Erich Stoelben; Iver Petersen; Joachim H. Clement; Jörg Sänger; Lucia A. Muscarella; Annamaria la Torre; Vito M. Fazio; Idoya Lahortiga; Timothy Perera; Souichi Ogata; Marc Parade; Dirk Brehmer; Martin Vingron; Lukas C. Heukamp; Reinhard Buettner; Thomas Zander; Jürgen Wolf; Sven Perner; Sascha Ansén; Stefan A. Haas; Yasushi Yatabe; Roman K. Thomas
Response of BRAF-Mutant Melanoma to BRAF Inhibition Is Mediated by a Network of Transcriptional Regulators of Glycolysis
Tiffany J. Parmenter; Margarete Kleinschmidt; Kathryn M. Kinross; Simon T. Bond; Jason Li; Mohan R. Kaadige; Aparna Rao; Karen E. Sheppard; Willy Hugo; Gulietta M. Pupo; Richard B. Pearson; Sean L. McGee; Georgina V. Long; Richard A. Scolyer; Helen Rizos; Roger S. Lo; Carleen Cullinane; Donald E. Ayer; Antoni Ribas; Ricky W. Johnstone; Rodney J. Hicks; Grant A. McArthur
Research Articles
Author Choice
RNA Helicase A Is a Downstream Mediator of KIF1Bβ Tumor-Suppressor Function in Neuroblastoma
Zhi Xiong Chen; Karin Wallis; Stuart M. Fell; Veronica R. Sobrado; Marie C. Hemmer; Daniel Ramsköld; Ulf Hellman; Rickard Sandberg; Rajappa S. Kenchappa; Tommy Martinson; John I. Johnsen; Per Kogner; Susanne Schlisio
Inhibition of KRAS-Driven Tumorigenicity by Interruption of an Autocrine Cytokine Circuit
Zehua Zhu; Amir R. Aref; Travis J. Cohoon; Thanh U. Barbie; Yu Imamura; Shenghong Yang; Susan E. Moody; Rhine R. Shen; Anna C. Schinzel; Tran C. Thai; Jacob B. Reibel; Pablo Tamayo; Jason T. Godfrey; Zhi Rong Qian; Asher N. Page; Karolina Maciag; Edmond M. Chan; Whitney Silkworth; Mary T. Labowsky; Lior Rozhansky; Jill P. Mesirov; William E. Gillanders; Shuji Ogino; Nir Hacohen; Suzanne Gaudet; Michael J. Eck; Jeffrey A. Engelman; Ryan B. Corcoran; Kwok-Kin Wong; William C. Hahn; David A. Barbie
Essential Role of the Linear Ubiquitin Chain Assembly Complex in Lymphoma Revealed by Rare Germline Polymorphisms
Yibin Yang; Roland Schmitz; Joseph Mitala; Amanda Whiting; Wenming Xiao; Michele Ceribelli; George W. Wright; Hong Zhao; Yandan Yang; Weihong Xu; Andreas Rosenwald; German Ott; Randy D. Gascoyne; Joseph M. Connors; Lisa M. Rimsza; Elias Campo; Elaine S. Jaffe; Jan Delabie; Erlend B. Smeland; Rita M. Braziel; Raymond R. Tubbs; James R. Cook; Dennis D. Weisenburger; Wing C. Chan; Adrian Wiestner; Michael J. Kruhlak; Kazuhiro Iwai; Federico Bernal; Louis M. Staudt
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