Relapse rates in high-risk neuroblastoma remain exceedingly high. The malignant cells that are responsible for relapse have not been identified, and mechanisms of therapy resistance remain poorly understood. Here, we used single nucleus RNA sequencing and bulk whole genome sequencing to identify and characterize the residual malignant persister cells that survive chemotherapy from a cohort of 20 matched diagnosis and definitive surgery tumor samples from patients treated with high-risk neuroblastoma induction chemotherapy. We show that persister cells share common mechanisms of chemotherapy escape including suppression of MYCN activity and activation of NF-κB signaling, the latter is further enhanced by cell-cell communication between the malignant cells and the tumor microenvironment. Overall, our work dissects the transcriptional landscape of cellular persistence in high-risk neuroblastoma and paves the way to the development of new therapeutic strategies to prevent disease relapse.

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