Effective therapies for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have been largely elusive. In this study, we perform multiplexed kinase inhibitor bead mass spectrometry on 102 patient-derived xenografts derived from 14 unique primary PDACs to define the tumor-intrinsic kinome landscape. Our findings uncover three kinome subgroups making up two tumor-intrinsic kinome subtypes that we call kinotypes. The kinotypes show enrichment of different kinase classes and recapitulate previously described molecular subtypes, basal-like and classical. The kinotype characterizing basal-like tumors shows enrichment of receptor tyrosine kinases, whereas the kinotype characterizing classical tumors is enriched in understudied kinases involved in Wnt signaling and immune pathways. We validate our findings in two clinical trials and show that only patients with basal-like tumors derive significant benefit from EGFR inhibitors. Our results provide a comprehensive tumor-intrinsic kinome landscape of PDAC that strongly supports actionable kinotype-specific kinase targets and provides a roadmap for kinase inhibitor therapy in PDAC.


We provide a comprehensive tumor-intrinsic kinome landscape that provides a roadmap for the use of kinase inhibitors in PDAC treatment approaches.

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