See article, p. 2998.

Melanomas that lack CD8+ T cells or interferon signatures seldom respond to PD-1 blockade. Intratumoral injection of innate immune activators such as TLR9 agonists might induce interferon signatures and antitumor T cells, overcoming resistance to PD-1 blockade. In a phase Ib study, Ribas and colleagues administered vidutolimod, a virus-like particle containing a CpG-A TLR9 agonist, intratumorally along with intravenous pembrolizumab to 44 patients with advanced melanoma after PD-1 blockade. This combination demonstrated a manageable safety profile with clinical evidence of overcoming PD-1 blockade resistance, a 25% objective response rate, and durable regression of both injected and distant, noninjected tumors, including visceral metastases.

See article, p. 3008.

Genome-wide next-generation sequencing holds potential to enhance childhood cancer care but has not been routinely exploited to interrogate newly diagnosed as well as relapsed/refractory cases. Newman, Nakitandwe, Kesserwan, Azzato, Wheeler, and colleagues used whole-genome, whole-exome, and RNA...

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