IG translocations occur in various B-cell neoplasms and result in the deregulation of (onco)genes due to their juxtaposition with regulatory elements in the immunoglobulin loci, predominantly the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) locus (14q32). Some of these IGH translocations are pathognomonic for distinct disease entities, like those involving MYC, BCL2 or CCND1 in Burkitt, Follicular or Mantle Cell Lymphomas, respectively. In Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), the BCL3 gene (19q13), a transcriptional coactivator of the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) family, is a known partner gene in these translocations. Two subsets of IG::BCL3 translocation-positive B-cell neoplasms have been described that exhibit differences in chromosomal aberrations, IGHV mutation status, and histopathology [Martín-Subero et al. 2007]. In CLL, IG::BCL3 translocation is linked to a younger age at diagnosis, a more aggressive clinical course, and an atypical tumor cell phenotype [Michaux et al. 1997; Au et al. 2002]. A total of 89 B-cell neoplasms, primarily diagnosed as CLL, displaying IG::BCL3 translocation detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), were examined. Analysis of DNA methylation and copy number aberrations (CNA) was conducted for 86 IGH::BCL3-translocated B-cell neoplasms using 850K EPIC BeadChip array data. Evaluation of chromosomal aberrations typical for CLL was moreover performed by FISH and the IGHV mutation status was determined. IGH::BCL3 breakpoint junctions were sequenced in 23 samples using targeted capture and whole-genome sequencing approaches. RNA expression of BCL3 was assessed using the HTG mRNA pan B-cell panel. In UMAP analysis of DNA methylation, CLLs with IG::BCL3 translocation exhibited segregation from other CLLs, irrespective of IGH translocations. Supervised analysis revealed global hypomethylation of B-cell neoplasms with IG::BCL3 translocation compared to other CLL. A total of 66/69 CLLs with IG::BCL3 translocation showed an unmutated IGHV status (96%). Copy number determination using BeadChip data (n=86) and FISH analysis (n=85) showed a significantly higher incidence of trisomy 12 in IG::BCL3-translocated cases compared to the general CLL population (p=0.011). Breakpoint sequencing indicated IG::BCL3 junctions to be recurrently associated with aberrant class-switch recombination at the IGH locus, involving IGHA (n=11/23), IGHG (n=5/23) and IGHM segments (n=5/23). Breakpoints at the BCL3 locus displayed two groups. 80 cases (all CLL) were located upstream of BCL3 and two other B-cell neoplasms (NHL, DLBCL) were located downstream of BCL3. BCL3 expression analysis in 15 IG::BCL3-translocated CLLs confirmed its transcriptional upregulation compared to the general CLL population. Our genetic and epigenetic analyses support the view that CLL with IG::BCL3 translocation may constitute a genetically and epigenetically distinct subtype of B-cell neoplasms, diverging from the typical CLL.

Citation Format: Cosima Drewes, Cristina López, Nnamdi Okeke, Sina Hillebrecht, Petra Schütz, Anja Fischer, Anja Mottok, Susanne Bens, Christof Schneider, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Eugen Tausch, Reiner Siebert. Genetic and epigenetic characterization of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia with IG::BCL3-translocation provides evidence for a distinct biological entity [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Blood Cancer Discovery Symposium; 2024 Mar 4-6; Boston, MA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Blood Cancer Discov 2024;5(2_Suppl):Abstract nr P13.